Forums » Suggestions

Friendly Fire

Jul 22, 2006 FatStrat85 link
I don't like that you can't shoot and damage someone from your nation with good standing. It's not realistic. I should be able to kill someone that's part of my nation if I want to. It should be my choice. I hate not having the choice.

Instead, I suggest that you simply suffer from a faction standing loss if you fire on or destroy someone with good standing that's a member of your nation.

We would still need duels, but only so that our faction standing doesn't plummet when we do PvP. In the case of large organized battles where you need to kill some people from your own nation as well as other nations, there should be a 'group duel' system, because you obviously can't duel 20 people at once. This would allow you to have big group fights and kill lots of people, some of whom are part of your nation with good standing, without your own standing dropping.

This system would also be more realistic for large nation battles (like BS's). You couldn't just 'shoot now, ask questions later'. You'd have to watch where your shooting more carefully.
Jul 22, 2006 toshiro link
I still think FF is a relic from the days of CTF. I remember heated posts about same-team de-mining in StarFreeze's forums, but I'm unsure if the devs instated the no-FF because of that. If it's to preotect the new players, it wasn't really helping... newb killers still managed to get to them.

Although this has been discussed many times over, and at length, too, I still say that the no-FF-feature should finally make like a tree.
Jul 23, 2006 Klabbath link
Additionally, there are some real problems with the way station defenses are set up. For example, if someone attacks you in a station sector, and you defend yourself, the station guard and strike force come after you.

So, as a result, you end up with the situation we had tonight, where a jerkoff in a fast ship could pop into a station where eleven players were hanging out, open fire on one, then leap out and let the station bots go home. Repeat.

It's a great way to be an annoying rodent. It doesn't really do anything to any stat, you won't get a single credit for it, but you can be irritating.

I propose the following specific change to the strike force AI:

If a player character is fired on by an NPC or other player character, the person that hits FIRST is labelled KOS. The secondary player is allowed to defend themselves with NO loss of standing. Additionally, I propose that if the Strike force is launched more than twice after the same player within a specified time limit (Thirty minutes sounds about right) then they get a faction hit for wasting the Strike Force's time, OR, they are KOS at that station for the next twenty four hours.

This would prevent people from jumpshooting other players inside nation space just to be annoying, and giving the attacked player the chance to fight back would eliminate situations where NPC bots can avoid the rules without the SF even blinking.

Lastly, bumping into someone should not be enough to put them on my enemies list, or at least not for the length of time that it does.

What say ye?

Jul 23, 2006 toshiro link
I say 'Yea!'
Jul 23, 2006 Seton-Ro link
Aye, FF should go.

As to Klabbath's rant, that's OK, but not at corvus stations, corvus should remain more or less lawless. I remember last night having a gang of jerkoffs not wanting to pay me for flying in Syn space, center of Odia. Good thing Corvus doesn't care and I can fight the spammers and gankers...

What I'm trying to say here, there is no need for calling names Klabbath, pirating is damn hard, we don't have millions on our accounts like you trader guys. We pay a lot more for our ships and equipment, plus, we're playing a role here, Odia happens to be pirate capital. So like I said, no need to start calling names, and if you tell a story, you might wanna tell the whole thruth.

So, as a result, you end up with the situation we had tonight, where a jerkoff in a fast ship could pop into a station where eleven players were hanging out, open fire on one, then leap out and let the station bots go home. Repeat.

I only jumped out when the sf was closing in, the other times I stayed and fought! I took 15 of you gankers out before calling it a night. So please, next time tell the whole thruth. The SF rules are just fine at corvus stations. If you want to do your thing in pirate space, don't forget the pirates, we can be helpfull or dangerous, it's your choice. (ps. 200k for a group of 11 isn't that much, cheap trader dogs!)
Jul 23, 2006 firsm link
I like the FF the way it is now. If you want to be a traitor like me just drop your standing. :)
Jul 23, 2006 drdoak007 link
seton, i like how you consider "flying in syn space" being in station sector, and you popping in from some other location... grey space is un-owned!

you cant come in demand that we pay you for being there before you, and then run like a pansy in and out of sector, just to survive.

that was a pretty sad show of piracy on your part. you started the incident by demanding 200K for us to be there, then when you found it hard to fight us off, you called for help... mistakenly asked for help (i.e. "wc") in the sector chat...well done, sally.

that's the whole story. if you are going to demand payment in station sectors, when there are 9 other players there, be prepared to have them laugh at you and defend themselves.

[EDIT] p.s... how much money did you lose, buying new ships? lol

{POST-EDIT] I will admit, you are a better fighter-pilot than I. but if you make yourself out to be such a brave pilot, you would have stayed in station sector to fight off those Strike Force Bots. Not run everytime they got close.
Jul 23, 2006 Seton-Ro link
whine as much as you like, you don't pay, you die! YARRR!

[edit]p.s. round 40000 for 2 ships, but don't worry about me, allready earned that back pirating voys! Yarrr!
p.p.s. have a talk with MiexonBionic or Tricosane about sportsmanship. You might learn something from them. Being arrogant isn't the best thing when you're not in a possition to be it.

now, lets keep it friendly on the boards, and hold the namecalling for the RP boards or in-game, peace

[post-edit] You've got to be kidding me...
Jul 23, 2006 BoxCarRacer link
Get rid of FF!
Jul 23, 2006 Ghost link
Yep, this has been discussed many times and I'm still in favor of removing FF.

1. It's more realistic

2. There are already penalties for killing players in faction space to protect new players. So if someone does decide to newb kill, their faction will drop and the result will be the same as if they were never that faction in the first place. In which case, they would be able to newb kill under the current settings anyways should they be able to avoid the SF. Thus, it's really no different. As for grey, I think most of us agree that grey is dangerous and new players should learn that quickly. That helps to add a small bit of content too.

3. It would make group combat MUCH more interesting. One of my favorite tactics in group combat is to wait for my wingman to get engaged in a tight dogfight, then just nuke him with flares. Seeing as how the flares will still detonate on my wingman, but not damage him, it results in only the enemy being destroyed while my wingman magically survives the very same number of flare hits with no damage. Thus, flares make group combat very short and things rapidly become a nuking contest, seeing who can spam the most flares the fastest. If you had to wait for your wingman to get clear before firing flares or risk destroying both of them, it would be much more interesting.
Jul 23, 2006 ArAsH link
Like _Ghost_ says!
Jul 23, 2006 Demonen link
Friendly fire. Is.
Should not be.
Friendly, that is.


Jul 23, 2006 Klabbath link
Oh please, Seton. Let's start with YOU telling the whole truth, eh? First off, we couldn't actually shoot your stupid ass because we actually cared about our standing in that sector. Way to hide behind an exploit! Second, you made three kills, not fifteen, so stop inflating. It's childish and it's dishonorable. Third, you want sportsmanship? Stop using exploits in the rules to cheat and you'll find my cup runneth over with it.

You even came to our guild message board to post some empty threats. You made three whole kills against a group of people that couldn't fire back because we actually give a shit about our station standing. You were exploiting a bug in the software that allows you to DOCK FOR REPAIRS at a station whose Strike Force is hunting you. You further exploited the bug that resets your KOS when you leave the sector to jump in and out and do nothing more than be annoying.

You didn't succeed in putting a dent in our numbers or our finances. You succeeded only in being an irritance. You're not a pirate. You're a mosquito.

You want respect? Be a pirate. Don't hide behind mistakes in the game's AI and pretend that what you did took some amazing courage. Show a little sack. Gavan is ten times the pirate you are. He'd never hide behind programming gaps or inflate his kills. (I think most of your guild would probably be a little ashamed to know that someone carrying their banner was handling himself so disgracefully last night.)

Let's not pretend that anything you did even resembled the hard work that is actual piracy. You were exploiting a gap in the programming, nothing more, and if we'd actually been able to fire at you without worrying about our own standing, you'd have had a looong night.

Oh, and about your THREE KILLS, one of them came about when I led you in to within 200m of the station and stopped motionless to let you kill me so the Strike Force would launch on your ass. Your first kill was a noncombatant that was sitting and watching in an unmoving craft. Legitimate, but hardly something to brag about.


Let me repeat myself: you weren't pirating, you were being annoying. No one plays this game to deal with annoyances. Enjoy your exploits while you can.

This entire conversation further proves the desperate need to have those gaps in the programming closed as soon as possible to prevent those who exploit them from ruining the game for others. Its obvious that you're going to continue to avoid role playing and use these programming bugs for your own amusement, all the while trying to boast about what a big-bad pirate you are.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Jul 23, 2006 mr_spuck link
no faction loss at corvus stations
Jul 23, 2006 Snax_28 link
/me tries desperately... to... not... join...


Jul 23, 2006 Snax_28 link
But seriously... I think Friendly Fire needs to be removed. At least in grey.
Jul 23, 2006 Seton-Ro link
ZOMGWTFBBQLMAOIMHOW00TFTW.... hahahahhahhahaaa, shiiiiit nigel, ye got a serious 1337 ego problem. Yes, I made 15 kills (yer not the onlyone who died, and don't forget Shih Shiang Gu who allso transformed some of you guys into space-dust), no I couldn't land at the station after sf came for me and, what can I say? Welcome to Vendetta! Welcome in Odia!

You can whine and die or pay and play in Odia, it's up to you! YARRRR

edit: Genka should slap some common sense in you, now keep the beef in the game and lighten up on the boards man.
Jul 23, 2006 Klabbath link
1) We weren't mining. I don't know where that came from, actually. What we do in Odia is no one's business but ours. See point two.

2) Odia doesn't belong to SYN.

3) Exploiting gaps in the programming is not piracy. It is cheating.

4) You're still lying about your kills, Seton. Three. 3. , 2.9999999999999999999999999999999999. 2+1. 1+1+1. 4-1. 5-2. Now THAT is shameful. Almost as shameful as cheating.

5) You will never get one penny from any member of our guild. Don't even bother to ask. Perhaps if you considered PIRACY instead of EXPLOITING BUGS IN THE GAME we might consider you enough of a threat to pay you, or possibly role play with you, just so we don't have to waste our time swatting you, but as long as you cheat, you no make no money. Put that on a spike and ram it into your skull so that it gets into your brain. Cheating = no funds. Period. Stop cheating, we might consider it.

We will NOT pay you to keep you from cheating.

6) I will continue to have a beef with you, as a person, outside the game, until you start role playing and stop exploiting the software. Type all the infantile AOLspeak you want. My ONLY problem with you is your exploits. I have no problem with you pirating. It's part of the game. I will ALWAYS have a problem with people that cheat, and you are cheating. Let's not try to pretend it's anything but, okay? I have a deep-seated hatred for liars and cheats. I have precisely zero respect for those that lack integrity.

Paint it whatever color you want; you are exploiting the rules. That is cheating. I do not find it honorable, I do not respect those that partake in it, and I will not smile and treat this as a joke because it isn't one. You are using an unrealistic gap in the programming to get around Strike Force defense of station space and harass other players. That you then beat your chest about what a great pirate you are is laughable. Even worse, you have the audacity to claim you're some great role player after you completely ignored all aspects of role play while you were cheating. That's not only laughable, it crosses the border into hypocrisy.

You want respect? Stop cheating. You want to pretend like you're a bad-ass pirate? Act like one. Commit acts of piracy. Stop wasting time exploiting gaps in the program just to be annoying. Role play. You won't find me "lightening up" on the boards until you are either forced to stop cheating by a conversion to the game or you find some integrity on your own.

I note that you have made no attempt to justify your actions. In other words, you KNOW that jumping out of the system to reset your KOS is a gap in the rules, you KNOW that it's piss-poor role playing, and you KNOW it's cheating. I'm glad we have that sorted out.

It's not whining to ask that people play the game within the rules. Accusing someone of being a whiner is always one of the first things someone does when they can't marshal an argument of their own, either because their position is unjustifiable, or because they can't think of anything reasonable.

Jul 23, 2006 Seton-Ro link
You have a serious problem with yourself. We are done talking, byebye :waves:
Jul 23, 2006 drdoak007 link
nigel, let it be...

this guy is not only a mosquito ingame, but here in the forums too.
you have more integrity in your fingernail than he will ever have total; and there is nothing he cam do to increase that.

we have seen his responses to this thread, and his consistant mockery, and it's not worth continuing adding anything else for him to annoy us with.
