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Should the Biocom Vulture XT be free?

Oct 28, 2005 Martin link
At this stage the Biocom Vulture is a useless ship. It is exactly the same as the Mk4 but with a higher drain, if the wiki specs are correct. It's also quite expensive.

Instead of trying to make it interesting and competitive with the current top line fighters why not make it free. It may still not get used or, possibly, it will become a common practice ship.

The other option would be to give it some special characteristic such as the TD Hogs uber boost, but making it free could be an interesting experiment.
Oct 28, 2005 Beolach link
What's the standing required for it? If it's going to be free, I'd say it should be very high, at least +950, maybe even +975 or higher.
Oct 28, 2005 MSKanaka link
I actually like that idea of making it free over making it "special".
Oct 28, 2005 johnhawl218 link
give it a good characteristic, NO ONE would manufacture a ship for free, the ec-88's are free cause they are outdated potatoes from the influx from earth. I say give it three weapons ports (3s) or make it more manuverable then the vulturious. Reason I say 3 ports though is that the normal cent is 1 port and the specials are 2, so, if the standard vult is 2, make it 3.
Oct 28, 2005 Dark Knight link
Or give it a single large port.

/me imagines teh pwnz0ring he could do in a Vult with a AGT
Oct 28, 2005 Beolach link
I'd take a MegaPosi over an AGT in a Vult; 900kg less, and in a Vult mass is important.
Oct 28, 2005 Shapenaji link
Well this is largely unknown, but the XT technically has 3 times the turbothrust of the mk IV.

I haven't gotten to test it out.

As far as weps go, the megaposi would be a kickass chaser, but a vulture with an AGT? that thing would be among the deadliest ships out there.
Oct 28, 2005 BoxCarRacer link
lol shape.
Oct 28, 2005 Blacklight link
Shape, Station Defs used to have gats from the friggy's :D and boy do they hurt!
Oct 28, 2005 Dark Knight link
Yeah, the Vulture's maneuverability would suffer a bit from having an AGT on board, but still, a ship with that small a profile (well, not from the top or bottom, anyway) and that much speed is going to be a force to be reckoned with.

You know, if you think about it, the Tunguska Maud has had two of its small ports turned into a large port, so making a one large-port version of the Vult isn't actually that much of a stretch...
Oct 28, 2005 vIsitor link
OK, the L-Port variant would differentiate the XT from the other elite variants so it isn't just a cheap knock-off. Alternitively, once money has actual meaning in VO the XT could cost significantly less that the other Elite variants, and then people might bother to up BioCom faction.
Oct 28, 2005 softy2 link

Shape : The XT has 30N extra turbo thrust, not 3times (that would be nuts). But since it has 65 drain, it can't take advantage of it.

I flew the XT exclusively for quite a while. I don't know why but I did much better with the XT than I did with a Rev C or IBG, when I fly as Holden that's it. I thought it might be it has more damping, but I don't believe that is true. It is probably because I try harder since I was flying an inferior ship.

Other than that, it got a really cool name. So flying it means yer got panache.
Oct 29, 2005 leapfrog link
"So flying it means yer got panache."

hehe... you've got that anyway, Mr. Caulfield... :)
Oct 29, 2005 ananzi link
johnhawl the real reason the ec88 is free is because it is communist propaganda inserted into this game to poison our childrens precious bodily fluids. everyone should have something for free without working, provided by the government! thats the theory of the free bus.

aside from that your economic argument is ridiculous. look at america, do we give away 'free' ford model t's? no. would it cost very little to do so? No. would it be free to produce them? no. Would it even be cheap? NO! just because something is old doesnt mean its cheap to produce. and no matter what process and materials you use to build it, you still have to pay for human labor.

Unless of course you want to go back to slavery, like in soviet russia, modern china, or even the US prison industrial complex ( Come to think of it, there is probably a slave labor factory somewhere on solII or odia or Cantus (the siberia of vendetta) that pumps out the EC-88 that gets shipped all over to all the nations, proving yet again that the itani are worthless hypocritical bubbleheads. slave labor: providing you with free ec88 since the days of the first whatever-its-called-event-that-happened-long-ago.

cheap/free products for the many, at the low low price of human liberty! woot, god bless communo-capitalism.

(note to freak outters: the above was satire. i actually think the free bus is a perfect example of why some socialism is necessary for human society to exist)
Oct 29, 2005 Dark Knight link
Okay, ignoring that last sentence, we can now safely assume that ananzi has dropped any pretense of being coherent.

Looks like he's finally one of us. Welcome to the community, kid!
Oct 29, 2005 Spellcast link
i dunno, he seemed fairly coherent to me.

he's trolling, and the satire was only about average... but he WAS coherent.

tho i'm not sure it counts as trolling with the disclaimer attached.....
Oct 29, 2005 BoxCarRacer link
What's wrong with communism?
Communism works as long as the leader of a nation is a nice guy.
So don't blame communism.
Blame pride.
Oct 29, 2005 Spellcast link
the leader of a nation has nothing to do with communisim working or not working.. for that matter communisim as idealized shouldnt have a leader...
Oct 29, 2005 BoxCarRacer link
Yep I agree.
Oct 29, 2005 Starfisher link

ananzi is hilarious.

Then the rest of you make it even funnier by responding.