Forums » Suggestions

Ragnarok Special

Jun 29, 2005 Arolte link
Has anyone noticed that the Ragnarok has been left out of the list of elite variants? Why is that? Maybe there can be one for one of the lesser popular factions out there. I don't know how it would be made special, but it would be nice to see an elite variant of this cool bomber. Maybe one with slightly more armor, thrust, but with one S-port removed. I don't know. Something like that. Just throwing some ideas around...
Jun 29, 2005 LeberMac link
The Ineubis Valhalla-Class Ragnarok:
Has a FAST turn torque, otherwise same as the Mk 3 Rag. One less S port - 2(s) ports and 2(L) ports. A little more fighter-like, a little faster so it's more useful in CtC escort and trader escort runs. Less armor, but more engine power & speed, slightly quicker than an Aggresso:

Ragnarok: Elite Variant (Ineubis Valhalla Variant)
Levels 7/8/8/4/4
Armor 16000
Cargo 12
Weapons 2 small, 2 large
Mass 15000 kg
Length 19 m
Thrust 500 N
Max Speed 65 m/s
Spin Torque 12.0 Nm
Turbo Speed 220 m/s
Turbo Energy 55/s
Jun 29, 2005 everman7 link

would that be nicknamed the mGC (mini Goliath Cannon)?

anyways, I agree with this, I prefer that we have better ships coming into play. Our player base is full of high level players (especially since the BP mission) and we still have the same ships. I think that some variants need to be made to match the skill of those players. I think the balancing should be left to a minimum (now that the hog is perfect...yay) and any more additions should be to the top of the list of ships. I mean we are progressing so why isn't the technology of our ships?

I think a swarm of MKIV and MKV ships are in order.

oh, and thanks for all your hard work DEVS!
Jun 29, 2005 VincentV link
wOOt, that would be awsome!
Jun 29, 2005 Phaserlight link
Agreed, I had been thinking the ragnarok could use a special variant for a long time. And Ineubis doesn't really have anything, do they?
Jun 29, 2005 DekuDekuplex Ornitier link
Re: LeberMac

> The Ineubis Valhalla-Class Ragnarok:
> Has a FAST turn torque, otherwise same as the Mk 3 Rag. One less S port - 2(s) ports and 2(L) ports. A little more fighter-like, a little faster so it's more useful in
> CtC escort and trader escort runs. Less armor, but more engine power & speed, slightly quicker than an Aggresso:

> Ragnarok: Elite Variant (Ineubis Valhalla Variant)
> Levels 7/8/8/4/4
> Armor 16000
> Cargo 12
> Weapons 2 small, 2 large
> Mass 15000 kg
> Length 19 m
> Thrust 500 N
> Max Speed 65 m/s
> Spin Torque 12.0 Nm
> Turbo Speed 220 m/s
> Turbo Energy 55/s

For the most part, I agree with LeberMac's proposed statistics, but I think that, in order to remove the current somewhat widespread view that Centaurs are superior to Ragnaroks, the proposed Ragnarok elite variant's armor should match that of the Centaur elite variant's. Since the regular Ragnarok has 16000 armor, and the Ragnarok MkIII has 19000, I propose 17500--the same as that of the Aggresso.

Also, if the Ineubris Valhalla variant is to have one fewer small port, then if the hull size stays the same, I don't think that the cargo capacity should also be reduced, especially if its main role is to be in CtC. For example, the Aggresso elite Centaur variant actually has more cargo capacity than that of the regular Centaur. Since the elite Ragnarok variant is to have a higher turbo max speed and higher spin torque, perhaps implying a larger engine taking up the space occupied by the small port, I suggest matching the 2 cu increase for the Aggresso over the Centaur MkII with an identical 2 cu increase over the regular Ragnarok's 18 cu, to make it 20 cu.

Other than these changes, I support LeberMac's suggestion.

-- DekuDekuplex Ornitier
Jun 29, 2005 Beolach link
Personally, I actually rather like that Ineubis & Xang Xi don't have special versions of any ship. It makes it so you have to choose, home somewhere with a special ship, or at the Ineubis or Xang Xi stations CtC departs from.

What I've suggested before, is that there be a Serco special Ragnarok, and an Itani special Wraith. That would make it so Serco had two special heavy ships (Prom & Rag) and one special light ship (SVG), while Itani had two special light ships (Valk & IBG) and one special heavy ship (Wraith).
Jun 29, 2005 DekuDekuplex Ornitier link
Re: Beolach

> Personally, I actually rather like that Ineubis & Xang Xi don't have special versions of any ship. It makes it so you have to choose, home somewhere with a special
> ship, or at the Ineubis or Xang Xi stations CtC departs from.

> What I've suggested before, is that there be a Serco special Ragnarok, and an Itani special Wraith. That would make it so Serco had two special heavy ships (Prom
> & Rag) and one special light ship (SVG), while Itani had two special light ships (Valk & IBG) and one special heavy ship (Wraith).

Okay, but then what are you going to add as a special ship for the UIT? The UIT should have a matching number of nation-specific ships to match those of the Itani Nation and Serco Dominion.

I would only support Beolach's suggestion if the Tunguska Centaur Aggresso were simultaneously moved from the Tunguska faction to the UIT faction as well.

However, I worked very hard to earn the required +960 Tunguska faction standing for my Aggresso, and don't want to see its significance taken away.

Also, it seems strange that only Ineubris and Xang Xi don't seem to have special variants of anything, while almost every other faction has some distinguishing merit. Currently, compared to other factions, there is little reason to increase Ineubris or Xang Xi faction standing. I think that something should be done to help distinguish both of these currently relatively insignificant factions to make them more balanced.

How about also adding a mining variant of the Behemoth to the Xang Xi faction? It would be similar to the regular Behemoth, except that it would have an extra small port to mount a mineral scanner, but have slightly reduced regular max speed and spin torque; viz:

Xang Xi Mineral Behemoth (Mining Variant)
[- / - / - / 8 / 4]
Requires +720 Xang Xi Faction Standing
Armor: 45000/450000
Cargo Capacity: 120 cu
Weapons: 1 Small, 2 Large
Mass: 30000 kg
Length: 34 m
Thrust: 550 N
Max Speed: 55 m/s
Spin torque: 18.0 Nm
Turbo max speed: 190 m/s
Turbo energy: 50/s

-- DekuDekuplex Ornitier
Jun 29, 2005 Beolach link
I think there should be a UIT special Behemoth. I think the general Behemoth that everyone sells should be dropped to 90cu capacity, and the UIT special have the 120cu. I would find moving the Aggresso to UIT to be acceptable as well, though. For your Tunguska standing to keep its significance, I'd like to see the Mining Maud improved to actually be one of the best mining ships (a second L port, or two "mining" ports if more ports are implemented, would do the trick).

IMO the distinguishing merit of Ineubis & Xang Xi is that they're the source of Purified Xithricite for CtC. Also note that Xang Xi also has reduced license requirements for the equipment they sell (although not as reduced as Corvus). Anyway, if every faction needs a special ship (something I personally don't agree with, there's other ways to give different factions distinguishing merits), I'd rather see Aeolus get a special ship before Ineubis or Xang Xi. None of the three have any faction special equipment, but Ineubis & Xang Xi are special because of CtC.

For a mining Behemoth, I'd actually rather not see that. The Behemoth is already the best mining ship, if you know the location of the 'roid you want to mine. It doesn't need to be any better.
Jun 29, 2005 DekuDekuplex Ornitier link
Re: Beolach

> For a mining Behemoth, I'd actually rather not see that. The Behemoth is already the best mining ship, if you know the location of the 'roid you want to mine. It
> doesn't need to be any better.

The problem with relying on the locations of the asteroids, however, is that they become much harder to find at greater distances from the station, and in higher asteroid field densities.

Personally, I have had great difficulty, even with a scanner, in pinpointing the locations of asteroids containing high percentages of Pentric ore at 5000+ m from the station when the rocks did not have distinguishing shapes and were clustered among at least two dozen similar-looking ones. Those asteroids are difficult to discover, especially at high Pentric ore percentages.

For this reason, I have actually never used a Behemoth for mining. Instead, I almost always use a Tunguska Centaur Aggresso, with less than half the cargo capacity (50 cu vs. 120 cu). I usually mine in the vicinity of heavily-used stations, and therefore can't afford to leave any kind of marker (such as a crate of ore) outside the target asteroid because I don't want to reveal the location to anybody else.

However, if there were a special variant Behemoth capable somehow of being equipped with a mineral scanner (either by adding a small port or a special-purpose mineral scanner port), then I would immediately start using it to mine heavily.

One of the reasons that I have Trading level 13, but only Mining level 6, is that I never use a Behemoth for mining because of its inability to equip a mineral scanner for finding Pentric/Heliocene ore in densely populated asteroid fields with nearly-indistinguishable asteroids 5000+ m from heavily used stations.

Personally, I think that it would make a big difference in the actual usefulness of the Behemoth for mining if a special variant capable of being equipped with a mineral scanner were made available.

-- DekuDekuplex Ornitier
Jun 29, 2005 Beolach link
I actually prefer that if you need to look around & find a specific 'roid to mine, you can't use the Moth. Maybe I am biased, because at my mining locations, I can easily find my 'roids, so I can get away without having the scanner, but that's part of what I consider when I scout around for good mining locations. The places I normally go to have good percentages, but by no means the best. It's more important to me that I can find the location again, without a scanner, so I can use a Moth when I come back. If the Moth could equip a scanner, it would take away that detail of choosing which locations to mine - everyone would just go to the best percentage 'roids.

Also, if you're doing group mining, only one person needs to have a scanner, the rest of the group can just follow the ship with the scanner. Which gives the Behemoth has a huge advantage again, even without its own scanner.

And anyway, the Behemoth is already an extremely excellent ship for what it does (trading, mining w/out a scanner). I don't think it needs to be made even better.
Jun 30, 2005 Shapenaji link
You know, It occurs to me, that the rag would make an excellent 2 person ship.

One person as a pilot (and in control of the forward small wep ports) and another as the rear gunner (in control of two turret-class large weps)

Would make a great special, one of the few multiplayer ships, but not something like the light frigate which requires a number of players to be up to par.

It would also (imho) help alleviate the specter of swarmrags, and bring them into line as a very dangerous ship. (albeit one that takes 2 pilots to use effectively)

I mean seriously, who wants to waste their turret potential with fire-and-forgets.

Seeing what the devs have done with turrets, is it too out of the question to mount 2 turrets on the rag? (one on the top, one on the bottom.
Jun 30, 2005 Lonestar00 link
Agreed. In full. With sugar on top, and an extra cherry.
Jun 30, 2005 Renegade ++RIP++ link
Aw I was hoping on actually getting a rag with 4 large ports as a special :(
Jun 30, 2005 KixKizzle link
GOSH WE NEED MORE SHIPS! Elite variants still aren't different ships....

Seriously... O_O
Jun 30, 2005 Arolte link
Ideally, yes, KixKizzle. And I'd really, REALLY like to see some of the old ship models get that much needed update. But it looks like Guild Software is focusing on other things now. Ship variants is about the closest thing we can get to seeing new ships in the near future, I think.
Jun 30, 2005 Fnugget link
We dont need a mining behemoth! Please don't consider it! This game is not meant to be able to play incognito. Get a group of 3 to 7 behemoths and a Hog TD with a scanner and swarms or something! Group mining! And it's more profitable!

I think we keep moving to want lighter ships that can hold rockets. It is being proven to be one of the most effective ship types right now. I say we move a Ragnarok special to the other end of the spectrum like Rene, but not that far. Somewhat heavier, but with 3 L ports and 2 S, but not too heavy, as it would sacrifice a lot of cargo space (in order to prevent it used for mining). Keep its turn rate the same, but lets say that the accel drops because of the modified engines that boost turn rate. It would truly be special, being the only player ship in the entire VO universe with 3 L ports.

Multiplayer ships should be multiplayer built. That is, required to be crafted with ores. These should be an entire new class on their own, instead of being on one of our current ships. I don't know how batteries work, but i have a suggestion. On a multibattery ship(seeing as it could be as simple as adding another battery slot), you would have to assign a battery along with a weapon group. Thus, the weapon group that contains that battery, those weapons use that battery. Having AGT turrets run on heavy batts would be quite useful. But then, which runs the turbo? Maybe there can be two battery slot classes, Ship battery and weapon battery. Ship battery will be automatically connected to engines and any other weapons you wish to use from it. I think that sounds pretty cool.
Jun 30, 2005 Renegade ++RIP++ link
euhm what is wrong with 4 large and no small ports? I had the idea of making it in a full blown bomber. no cargo or something like 10 and you got a ship that will not be used for mining.

Although... it would be the supreme minership as long s you have someone else be the ferrier. Oh well I don't know. Just found the idea of having no small weapons and all large pretty damn cool if I say so myself. Not to mention that payloadwise (damagewise) it wouldn't be that much over the normal rag.
Jun 30, 2005 VincentV link
Just a kinda cool thought that came into my head...

What if we could controll bots? Arklan guardians have 4 l ports...
That would be intresting, no?

Feel free to kill this idea.
Jun 30, 2005 DekuDekuplex Ornitier link
Re: Fnugget

> We dont need a mining behemoth! Please don't consider it! This game is not meant to be able to play incognito. Get a group of 3 to 7 behemoths and a Hog TD with a scanner and swarms or something! Group mining! And it's more profitable!

What do you mean by "incognito?" I just looked up the precise definition of "incognito" in Merriam-Webster Online ( see ), and it listed, "with one's identity concealed." Is this what you meant? I can't play incognito anyway, no matter what I do, because my name is always listed in the Active Players list ( see ), so I don't understand what you mean....

The problem with group mining is that there aren't enough players available to make this viable on a regular basis. Also, this gives a decided advantage to players in large trading guilds, such as TGFT, over those in small guilds like mine, SB. I rarely find anybody online in my guild at any time, let alone anybody willing to group-mine. I'm sure that this is also true of most players in any small guild....

If there is not to be a small-port variant of the Behemoth, then I suggest re-introducing three-dimensional coordinates that can be looked up by players. This would also be useful for constructing a mining database, which is one of my eventual goals. That way, whenever I find a good asteroid with a ship equipped with a mineral scanner, I can just jot down the coordinates, and return at any time later easily with a Behemoth.

In order to avoid the data being used by automated player bots, I suggest that the coordinates not be displayed numerically, but be spoken by a computer voice, but that it be possible to plot an automatic course to the destination using a tactical computer with those coordinates. That way, any bot would need to decipher the numbers from the voice, making automated bots much more difficult to implement. However, plotting courses to specific locations would still be easy.

-- DekuDekuplex Ornitier