Forums » Suggestions

Losing exp

May 21, 2005 who? me? link
I think that there should be more ways to lose exp.

Combat: If someone is penalized for killing you, and you are in grey space, you are also penalized. Teaches noobs that grey is dangerous.

Light/Heavy weps: If you kill a nations npc trader in its own space, then you lose light and heavy weapons experience.

Trading: if you lose monye on a trade run, you also lose exp

Mining: If you mine a common ore (+4 or +5) from a roid that is over 100K you instead lose +4 or +5. Teaches that hot roids are not worth it.
May 21, 2005 Suicidal Lemming link
Combat: Simply have neither party lose exp in grey space.

Light/Heavy: How does killing result lose in experience? Makes no sense, it does and should only result in lose of faction.

Trading: Maybe, but it would have to have the game track more variables about cargo.

Mining: Makes no sense, the extremely slow mining time is enough of a deterrent.
May 22, 2005 Phaserlight link
"Combat: If someone is penalized for killing you, and you are in grey space, you are also penalized. Teaches noobs that grey is dangerous."

I don't mean to sound harsh, but this is quite possibly the worst idea on these forums ever.
May 23, 2005 Beolach link
I have to say XP loss is one of the big things that can turn me off of a game. When I DM D&D campaigns, I use "house rules" that don't give XP penalties for mixing potions, etc.

My reasons for disliking XP loss are twofold: First and foremost, it doesn't make any sense. Experience points are supposed to be a numerical representation of how much experience a character has accumulated from the events they have gone through. In my mind there are very few things that could actually remove experiences I have had. Amnesia, maybe; mixing a potion should give XP, not lose it. Secondly, suffering an XP penalty is IMO a huge detraction to the fun of a game. If I'm going along, playing a game, and I do something & get told "You have lost X points of experience," all the sudden I'm not having fun anymore.

IMO in Vendetta XP penalties should be reserved for moderate to severe player transgressions, that lead to other players having less fun than they would otherwise. I'm OK w/ a higher level player killing low level players in nation space losing XP (although I would like it if the penalty was removed in grey space), but I don't think there should be many other things that give XP penalties. In fact, I'd also prefer that the "legal" bounties didn't give XP penalties.
May 23, 2005 Ghostwolf link
This business XP loss or standing loss in grey space is simply put....STUPID. Grey space is grey space....UNREGULATED!! Enter at your own risk!! The only thing that should happen during combat to your record in grey space, is a tally in ether your win or loss column. I for one am tired of every time some prepubescent level 2 n00b in a wraith takes a pot shot at me, I get this big yellow message about loosing XP for shooting back. This is just plain dumb. Unregulated space should be just that. You're on your own, win or loose.

Let's put the Un back in UnReg!!

May 23, 2005 GRAIG link
i agree with GhostWolf
if u r in grey u have to know that NOTHING can protect u exept your own weapons and i know some high levels who take alts just to shoot another players to be annoying cause they're low lvls and can't be shoot at.... pffffff stupid but imo if they find their fun in it well ...

In grey their should not have those rules... its nonsense
May 23, 2005 LeberMac link
/me smacks Who?Me? for his silly suggestions, and his quest to lose all ranking and experience points. Oh, and you get another smack for this:

I did
May 23, 2005 Harry Seldon link
Right on, LeberMac.

/vote mute "who? me?"
May 23, 2005 Phaserlight link
A couple instances where I *might* understand an XP penalty is:

A) /exploding when you have less than 20% health (to avoid being PK'ed)

or possibly

B) a very small xp penalty for dying (just to keep people on their toes and add a little more weight to staying alive).

But penalizing newbs for being "powned" by a vet is just wrong.
May 23, 2005 Beolach link
I would not like to see an XP penalty for either of those situations, Phaserlight. If people /exploding to avoid being PKed is really that much of a problem, I'd rather see a 5 or 10 second delay for /explode. And for dying, we do that so much... and a lot more people would turn into runners.
Jun 03, 2005 F-3000 link
I think that there SHOULD be some sort of penalty for dying. And most useful penalty would be exp-penalty. Here's suggestion for penalty to Combat Piloting License:

I would suggest penalty like 10xp X combat piloting level, meaning that if you're lv 0, you get no penalty. Lv 1 get 10xp penalty, while lv 10 gets 100xp penalty. Would be very little, but would make you think is it really worth of dying in every moment. And if thinking more reasonable X, I'd say 50xp X CPL, still keeping it low.

Death already causes loss of money, but when dude flying wraith got 100k credits, the money isn't issue. Currently only thing keeping me from killing myself is trying to keep my kills/deaths-ratio good. And it's rather lame reason when it's only thing to keep yourself alive.

Also I would like to mention that I agree with Beolach, but in my case it's about DEATH, and losing exp is reasonable in that situation.
Jun 03, 2005 Beolach link
Vendetta has always been a very combat-oriented game, and from what I've heard the devs intend for combat to always be a major part of the game (Incarnate has stated that nowhere in the Vendetta universe is completely safe, and never will be).

Putting an XP penalty on dying would go completely against that. The only justification I could see for an XP penalty on dying would be if the devs decided they wanted to completely change the fundemental nature of combat in the game - something I don't think would be good.

But, I'm not necessarily against adding some more penalty to dying, like I mentioned before, I'd like it if upon destroying a ship it would drop a cargo crate with about 10% of the ships credits, that another player could pick up. That would add more cash flow between players (something that really doesn't exist right now).
Jun 03, 2005 xava link
i personly don't see any problam with the death system how it is, it dosent disscourage newbies from getting killed a bit to learn how to fight (wich is a must for combat) yet the cost of a good ship still stops it from becoming "yay i can die more than you can", getting killed is a big part of this game from traders to pirates everyone dies a lot and i think the balanace is just right how it is.
Jun 04, 2005 Lord Q link
generaly speeking i'm against the idea of exp loss. however, i would like to see some penalty for dying. that would make players more concerned about loosing their ship, but not so much that it hinders gameplay. i would perpose a -20xlevel loss to light and heavy weapons xp. those are by far the easiest of the combat xps to loose, and this would only be a big deal to the mid level players (3-5) They have enough levels to make the los near 60-100 xp 9about what you get for killing mit to high end bot. lower level players loose between 0 and 40 xp (thats 2 dentecs). So they can esily make it up. Higer level players will loose 120+ xp, but they can esily gain this back, and once you are counting 10s of thousands of xp you don't care so much about 200.

Now, this would allow players to recover easlily from death, but it would also give them a reason to try and save their ship if they are loosing a fight. Also the impact of loosing weapons xp is less than loosing combat xp, because weapons xp is realy easy to get.
Jun 04, 2005 Othiamba link
Beolach: I'd rather see a 5 or 10 second delay for /explode.

3 seconds is usualy the norm for a countdown.
Jun 04, 2005 Harry Seldon link
But the thing about /explode is that it happens instantly, and can be used to keep people from getting bounties on you. If we did this, it would make the person a sitting duck while the bounty hunter is free to shoot them down, thus forcing the hunted person to stand and fight, or legitimately run.
Jun 04, 2005 Tyrdium link
"If we did this, it would make the person a sitting duck while the bounty hunter is free to shoot them down, thus forcing the hunted person to stand and fight, or legitimately run."

What a shame!
Jun 04, 2005 Harry Seldon link
I'm saying that forcing them to do these things are a good thing™.
Jun 04, 2005 Beolach link
Re: Othiamba
> Beolach: I'd rather see a 5 or 10 second delay for /explode.
> 3 seconds is usualy the norm for a countdown.

Is it? I thought the norm was however long it takes the hero to defuse the bomb, plus 1 second. I think 3, 5, 10, 30, 60 seconds, or even longer could all be considered "normal" countdown durations, depending on what the countdown was for. In this case, the whole point of having a delay would be to prevent people from escaping a certain death by /exploding. 3 seconds might be enough to fulfil that, but it might be too short, too. I think 5 or 10 seconds would be better for this purpose.

And, isn't "usually the norm" rather redundant? ;-)
Jun 05, 2005 Person link
More and less. I've been attacked by so many IA newbs in vultures and cents, (I couldn't resist retaliating,) that I've lost a LOT of XP. Once I took on 4 at once, killed them all, and got almost -4000 as a result. Sorry, I'll stop reminicing. Anyway, if I'm not the aggressor, why should I be punished?