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this thread is just to annoy whistler

Feb 23, 2010 peytros link
Feb 24, 2010 ShankTank link
We should get this thread to page 100.
Feb 24, 2010 Tertior link
pub anti tobacco prohibited in France

Feb 24, 2010 Capt.Waffles link

Feb 24, 2010 ladron link
Feb 24, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
Feb 25, 2010 toshiro link
This thread is
Feb 25, 2010 Capt.Waffles link
Feb 26, 2010 Kierky link

Feb 26, 2010 diqrtvpe link
Feb 26, 2010 Whistler link

Feb 27, 2010 ShankTank link
Feb 27, 2010 peytros link
someone else please notice what is wrong in this picture

Feb 27, 2010 DivisionByZero link
Pey: thumb is usually separated from the rest of the hand.

Also, she's mixing sci-fi culture, since she's got the external trappings of Gene Roddenberry's universe while following George Lucas' universe for undergarments.

just a guess.

Let's see who I've out-geeked.
Feb 27, 2010 diqrtvpe link
Plus, Vulcans would never take selfshots.
Feb 27, 2010 DivisionByZero link
Feb 27, 2010 Whistler link
It's more of a Romulan look than Vulcan, but a Vulcan hand gesture.

And soap dishes are unhygienic.

/edit: I meant the uniform, particularly the print of the shirt.
Feb 28, 2010 DivisionByZero link
The Kim Cattrall Vulcan of Star Trek 6 had short hair as well. It's not just a Romulan thing. Besides, not everyone has the young Star Trek 2 Kirstie Alley hair and my understanding is that decent wigs with that sort of length are fairly cost prohibitive.
Feb 28, 2010 Professor Chaos link
That someone that hot would be such a nerd?
Feb 28, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
That it's evidently pretty cold in that bathroom?