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Imagining the Tenth Dimension

Sep 13, 2007 SCAR Bank link
Sep 13, 2007 upper case link
1: check
2: check
3: check
4: check
5: Clusterfuck
6: Clusterfuck
7: check
8: check
9: Clusterfuck
10: Multi-dimensional clusterfuck.
Sep 14, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
Meh, string theory. It's neat, sure, but where are my practical applications?
Sep 14, 2007 toshiro link
I found it quite entertaining and easy to follow (not kidding. Perhaps I'm just so stupid I only think I have an understanding).

Thanks for the link, SCARBank (I forget your actual identity).
Sep 14, 2007 SCAR Bank link
SCAR Bank has multiple identities.

some in higher dimensions.
Sep 14, 2007 Fnugget link
I wrote about this once. The practical applications are everywhere. We can move in three dimensions, and imagine the rest.
4: Obviously, we cannot travel in 4th dimension, but we can perceive it. I throw a ball, you can think of where it will go and catch it. You just imagined the 4th dimension!
5: Should I do homework or go party? You make decisions by imagining yourself in two different future possibilities. An alternate self that has yet to be made.
6: What if I did my homework instead of partying? Learning Mistakes. You make a mistake and you can only realize it by imagining how better off you could be if you did not make that mistake. An alternate self that was not made.
7: If I were in your shoes. There is absolutely no way in which I could ever become you, except if the universe was different.
8: I forgot how to explain this one.
9: If I were you, what would you/I say to me? Either I am me or I am you. The only communication between "me as you" and "me" is if "me as you" jumped universes to talk to "me".
10: This is where my brain lives, thinking up of ... .everything.
Sep 14, 2007 Surbius link

"Elementary my dear Watson."
Sep 14, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
Fnugget, I fail to see any practical applications. I do see a conceptualization of string theory though.
Sep 14, 2007 Fnugget link
Applications: We make life changing decisions based on our conceptualizations of the ten dimensions, as defined by string theory, as defined by the guy who wrote that book.
Sep 14, 2007 Professor Chaos link
That was pretty cool. My only problem is that if we accept all that, I'm not ready to accept that it stops in the tenth dimension. I think the reason we can't imagine further is just because of our own limitations. Just because we can't think of anywhere to go from there, does that really mean there's nowhere to go?

Also, what does the pi dimension look like? Yum.
Sep 14, 2007 Surbius link
Something like this
Sep 14, 2007 upper case link
I can understand the string theory with that picture but what about the red stuff?
Sep 14, 2007 Surbius link
That would be the infinitely deep pools of mangled brains of former physicist and crack-pot thinkers alike.
Sep 15, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
The red stuff is delicious. That is all.
Sep 15, 2007 mdaniel link
Brillant way of explaining it. School kids can nowadays understand these concepts that even Einstein had trouble grasping back then.

Application: Realize that everything is possible, literally. Get used to it.
Sep 16, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
Welcome to the late train, Mdaniel. I still don't see a single practical application that was spawned from string theory. While this is a nice way of explaining it, it totally sidesteps the issues with string theory itself.

Hell, most of string theory can't be tested and proven right or wrong. And whenever someone proves a certain assumption wrong, string theorists make up a new higher-energy particle so that their house of string doesn't fall apart.
Sep 16, 2007 mdaniel link
Well as I see it his is just talking about 10th dimension and how to make them understandable visually. I do not see how this is talking about string theory.
Sep 16, 2007 Cunjo link
Applications? there are no applications...

Since we are limited to manipulating the fifth and lower dimensions, we are unable to apply the concepts of higher dimensional planes.

We, confined to 3-dimensional space and limited to linear travel in the fourth dimension, have no way of using the higher dimensions to accomplish anything. While they may serve as a lesson as to how the universe works, none of the practical applications exceed that which we can already accomplish working only in four dimensions.

As for the cause of the limitation, consider the ability of a two-dimensional entity to fold itself through the third dimension... there is no possible way to do this without assistance from a power already residing in the third dimension, since no leverage can be gained on a two-dimensional plane that will influence its movement in the third dimension.

Since we observe time only in the fourth dimension, we are unable to gain any leverage to manipulate directly the dimensions above. While we can indirectly influence our travel in the fifth dimension, we are limited to observation and conjecture of that path based upon our fourth-dimensional influences. We are unable to gain leverage in the fifth dimension to fold time back on itself, and likewise unable to access alternate versions of reality through sixth-dimensional folding.

Oh, and the intro vid isn't about string theory so much as visualizing the layering of the different dimensional planes. String theory is BS anyway.
Sep 16, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
It's actually about string theory, and the multiple dimensions and how to visualize them. See, the video. And since there are no practical applications, this is just philosophy and conjecture(I haven't seen a proof about the nature of the n+4th dimension yet). And while neat, it doesn't really solve cancer or put a McDonald's on Mars.
Sep 16, 2007 JestatisBess link
It was interesting. The movie gave me a headache i think i watched it to late :(

Good stuff i might get the book or audio book if there is one.
