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i refuse to brake for these morons

Jul 20, 2007 look... no hands link

unfortunatley none of them fell down infront of buses. i only hope that when they are run over they cause no damadge to the car or truck
Jul 20, 2007 Surbius link
looks like a mail courier's day off

completely stupid but that's a adrenaline junky for ya
Jul 21, 2007 moldyman link
Looks like fun.
Jul 21, 2007 ShankTank link
Boring. I would have been interested if they were pushing eachother and people were getting shredded by cars right next to eachother or something.
Jul 21, 2007 mr bean link
i wanna be one of those guys crossing the street so i can punch them in the head an knock them off their bike as they pass.
Jul 21, 2007 look... no hands link
idve loved to be one of the busdrivers
Jul 31, 2007 Cunjo link
They're NYC couriers... this is what they do for a living.

Probably no worse than a NYC cabdriver, but I wouldn't want to be one of those, either.
Aug 02, 2007 ananzi link
don't worry. a lot of them do die. google around for bike messenger deaths.
does that make you feel better?

i am sure it is their fault a lot of the time. but a lot of time it is not.
people park cars and trucks illegally in bike lanes, people open car
doors without looking backwards, cars run red lights while talking
on cellphones, trucks swerve into bicycles on purpose, cars pass
illegally and aggressively, and billions of dollars are spent on car
infrastructure while bicyclists asking for a few hundred yards of
asphalt are shouted down as communists and money wasters.

well, i hope you feel better knowing that the money wasting communists
that ride bicycles die a lot under the wheels of large trucks. i know how
soothing it can be to think of someones skull being fractured with blood
leaking out of their ears, their brains perhaps leaking out onto the pavement,
and the wonderful feeling inside the driver of the truck or car, who feels so
good about themselves for ridding society of these riff raff garbage people,
these 'unter menschen'.

and by the way, it is spelled 'morans', like the guy in this picture says:
Aug 03, 2007 look... no hands link
Yes Ananzi it makes me quite happy to know people who ride bikes like that, endangering pedestrians, running red lights causing accidents, and often causing damage to vehicles get crushed under a truck frequently. I've no problem with people who ride bike safely on public roads, idiots like those however, deserve to end up rolled and ground up into a bloody meat and bicycle ball under the garbage truck they ran a red light in front of. I only wish they could make less of a mess to clean up when they end up getting ground to bits on the road. They clearly have no respect for other people's property or safety, why should I value theirs?
Aug 03, 2007 toshiro link
lnh, it seems you are also okay with the fact that those who (unintentionally) kill those bike messengers will have the death of a person on their hands.

Think before you write.
Aug 04, 2007 look... no hands link
I did think before I wrote Toshiro.

They shouldn't feel any guilt at all, they did nothing wrong. They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Somebody cut in front of them not allowing them any time to react or stop, actually endangering them and others in the process.

If somebody jumps out from in between two parked cars right in front of you is it your fault they didn't look before crossing the street from a hidden location? While the cyclist isn't crossing from a hidden location they are crossing unexpectedly, at a red light. It's something I would almost consider suicide by vehicle.
Aug 04, 2007 MSKanaka link
It's always been my opinion that if you are driving and hit a jaywalker when they dart out from somewhere that doesn't give you a chance to stop or even hit the brakes, the jaywalker should pay not only his/her own medical bills, but also however much it costs to repair the nasty dent in your car.

Last I checked, bicycles counted as vehicular traffic and had to follow the same laws as car/truck drivers as well. These guys could legally be ticketed and fined for all those red lights they ran through.
Aug 04, 2007 moldyman link
Been a pedestrian all my life. I hate car drivers. Sometimes, when I see a particularly cruel or dumb one, I wouldn't mind seeing an Ace Ventura style Monster truck chase on them.
Aug 04, 2007 toshiro link
lnh, it's fine if you believe that. However, the real world is drastically different.

Example: Here in Switzerland, we have the highest density of railroad tracks, and the best overall coverage. Multiple suicides by train happen every year, and there is precious little that can be done, short of supervising every meter of railroad track.

The respective engine drivers usually get counseling. From what I heard from some I talked to, it's really not something you can just shrug off.
Aug 04, 2007 look... no hands link
Moldy: I am quite mindful of pedestrians, especially in areas where I know children are playing. I dislike drivers and bikers who put pedestrians and others at risk to save a few seconds. People acting in a safe manner around others, I've got no beef with, If someone wants to do something dangerous, do it without endangering others and don't expect my sympathy when they get hurt. Sounds reasonable enough to me.

That being said I often go out of my way to help others, just not people who do think like that.

Personally I don't put much value on the life of someone who continually recklessly endangers others to save a few seconds. Far as I'm concerned they ain't worth the gasoline wasted to take them to the hospital. I consider them more like vermin. Also if I ran the train company and someone committed suicide by jumping in front of one of my trains, I'd sue the persons estate for the damage, costs of cleaning the train and lost time. If they want to kill them selfs, fine, let them do it without inconveniencing others.

As for the obvious reply that bicycle messengers must go that fast to turn a profit, perhaps they should organize and charge higher rates. The extra cost to make up for the two or three packages they could have carried by driving like maniacs is peanuts when you spread the extra charge out over the number of customers. Even a 20% increase in the price probably wouldn't lose a single customer. Even still I suspect these people will continue to act without regard for the safety of them selfs and more importantly others.
Aug 05, 2007 toshiro link
lnh, I think you're missing the point. I'm not defending the ones who knowingly endanger others, I am saying that those who subsequently get involved with them in the streets might have a problem.
Aug 05, 2007 MSKanaka link
I said *fined* with an N, Cunjo.
Aug 05, 2007 Cunjo link
lol, everything's a little hazy at 7 am.
Aug 05, 2007 look... no hands link
Well some might, but me personally, I wouldn't. It was someone else's choice to do what they did the other people were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Perhaps I'm a little cruel and most people would feel guilty for happening to be driving the truck that a bike drives under, but not me, I realize there is not much you can do about it but just keep on truckin', no pun intended.
Aug 06, 2007 toshiro link
And who are you to assume that because you feel this way, everyone should? I do not think that those who do feel guilt about it do so willingly.