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Syn Controlled space

Jan 03, 2007 Whistler link
This is better discussed in the Role Playing Forums. Please take it up in there.
Jan 03, 2007 TRS link
Not that many syn left. Must be Gaven.

Pirates in general will try to control everything, or at the very least, someplace with traffic. If you are the only traffic, then where ever you are, is where the pirate will claim control.

If a pirate has good standing with a specific faction, he is less likely to kill you in that faction's space (except Corvus, which has no penalty). Use the 'k' key to look at the pirate's standings, and then go do your trading in the nation he has the highest standing in.

There might be vigil antis around. Advertise the pirates position on channel 100, and see who comes hunting for him.

The major nations will try to drive off pirates in their controlled space, so most pirates stay close to gray space.

Edit: @Whistler: While an actual SYN response claiming sectors X,Y, and Z, should go in RP, I think a newb question like this helps lighten spirits in the general forum. (Not to argue with a moderator, just my opinion.)
Jan 03, 2007 Seton-Ro link
Jan 04, 2007 moldyman link
A dead crow. How appropriate.
Jan 04, 2007 RelayeR link
Hunt for the answer to next weeks installment... same crow-time, different crow-channel (RP)

Jan 04, 2007 LeberMac link
Neato image, Seton-Ro
Jan 06, 2007 Gavan link
Not that many syn left. Must be Gaven.

Must be Gav[a]n what? This thread has very little context. What the hell are you people talking about?

A dead crow. How appropriate.

How do you figure it's dead? Just cuz it's so bad-ass it's got a skull-face tattooed onto its backside?!

Jan 06, 2007 chillum baba link
the color... indicates something slightly wrong with it actually...

how long WOULD an albino crow live?
Jan 06, 2007 Gavan link
Hey it's a polar crow ok!? It's evolved to survive in the cold vacuum of space!
Jan 06, 2007 LeberMac link
The cold side of space, you know, where it's WHITE! Yeah! I'm with ya Gav!
Jan 06, 2007 jexkerome link
Kinda looks like a gremling skull... with pointed ears and all.
Jan 07, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
Yeah, that probably ranks up there as one of the worst logos I've ever seen.
Jan 07, 2007 Shapenaji link
(DISCLAIMER: Scuba Steve has never seen a logo)
Jan 07, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
Pfffbhbht. I've seen more logos than you've seen naked ladies.
Jan 08, 2007 Shapenaji link
(DISCLAIMER: Shape has no idea what a naked lady is)
Jan 08, 2007 MSKanaka link
(DISCLAIMER: Scuba and Shape are both NINNIES)
Jan 08, 2007 Shapenaji link
(DISCLAIMER: Miharu is one to talk)
Jan 08, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
(DISCLAIMER CLARIFICATION: One what? Definitely not a lady).
Jan 08, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
(DISCLAIMER: Lecter brings up a valid point. Shows Miharu to call me a ninny.)
Jan 08, 2007 WE WANT LEEBS! link