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Americans + cars + snow, bad combo ^^

Oct 18, 2006 Norseman link
Oct 18, 2006 moldyman link
Oct 18, 2006 LeberMac link
Car was probably built in Mexico.
Hehe, at least the morons didn't attach it to the axle and break the axle.

Just goes to show ya, horsepower does NOT cure everything.
Oct 18, 2006 ananzi link
Yeah, Lebermac, if it was built in the US it could have broken all by itself.
Oct 18, 2006 toshiro link
They built VW Beetles for a long time down in Mexico... I think they still run today.
Oct 18, 2006 Whistler link
Why pull a car OVER a pile of snow when there's a path next to it?

Why not shovel the snow away?

Why don't we see the cars wheels spinning more?
Oct 18, 2006 LeberMac link
I was thinking those exact same thoughts, Whistler.

Oh, and nothing against Mexican-built cars in general. I was more lamenting the fact that it's a shame that all those cushy union jobs went to Mexico thanks to NAFTA. I think any North American auto company who DOESN'T build their cars in Mexico with the cheap labor is just being silly.
Oct 18, 2006 mr bean link
at least those people are actually using those hummers and SUVs for something they were originally made for. how many large cars do you see in the U.S. that arent necessary? im so sick of seeing those middle aged women driving an SUV and never going offroad, hauling a bunch of cargo or even carrying more than 2 other people.
Oct 18, 2006 LeberMac link
The ad that pisses me off the most is the ad with the mom in a minivan who gets cut off, becomes frustrated, and goes and plunks down $60,000 on a Hummer to assuage her hurt ego.

Hummers may be nice vehicles, but I'll never buy one, just on principle. If I need something that big, I'll buy a Chevy Yukon XL and skip the added $20,000 for the HUMMER logo.
Oct 18, 2006 moldyman link
I never ant an automovile. Why? Because if I were to get an automobile, I would not get a car. A car would get smashed in any wreck where 50+% of America drives an SUV, truck or van. So I could get a pickup, but I have no use for the back space. A Van, same thing. And SUV just guzzles gas for no reason. So in conclusion, cars suck because you don't want to be the smaller guy in a wreck.

And this is why eople keep buying SUVs. Do YOU want to be the beetle that's totalled or the SUV with a scratch?
Oct 18, 2006 ananzi link
mrbean: hummers are made to carry groceries. jeeps are made to offroad!

moldyman id rather be in my honda accord than in a ford f150 pickup:
Oct 18, 2006 ArAsH link
american, mexican, suv, jeep, hummer...
What do they have in common?


This is a car!!!

Oct 19, 2006 Snax_28 link
Jesus! Brits are more annoying than Americans!!!

Nice car though. If you don't mind the cardboard construction. So while the £60,000 price tag might seem reasonable, your actually talking about £60,000 pounds that you can throw at nothing more than, as Arash said, a toy.

The other thing is, for roughly half the price of this thing ($74,000 CAN), you can get a brand spankin new M3. Dump £30,000 pounds into a new M3 and I guarantee you're going to have a car that not only is more versatile than this one, but shitkicks this car.

Ok, maybe not that much more versatile....
Oct 19, 2006 Norseman link
wOOt only 60000 US dollars for a Hummer. me cries, the cheapest Hummer costs 122000 US Dollars in Norway
Oct 19, 2006 Cunjo link
Hate to break it to you guys, but those aren't Americans... in fact, as it turns out, we don't have a complete monopoly on stupid!

That's a Canadian reel.
Oct 19, 2006 greengeek link
No, but something tells me we probably own the patents
Oct 20, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Wow, that BMW is fast. That video makes me want to visit the Isle of Man. I'll add that to my list of places to see, right behind Iceland.

Here's the problem with Hummers today: They're not Hummers. I would only ever consider going near a hummer if it's one of the old civilian Hummers or a retired military Hummer. That goes for almost every SUV made, they're not SUVs. They're glorified minivans. Even Jeep is now becoming a girlycar. I'm trying to get my hands on an old WWII 1943 Jeep my grandpa has, and restore it.

A note on the original post: My little brother tried to pull my mom's Chevy Astrovan (yuck) out of a similar situation, and TIED THE TOW-ROPE TO THE BACK DOOR HANDLE! Now, he's a cool guy, and usually pretty smart, but yeah. It didn't work.

I've seen bad drivers, but the worst I've seen ever all live in Idaho Falls, Idaho, 30 minutes from where I recently moved to. I have a question for those of you who live in Europe: Are there a lot of roundabouts there, and how are people at using them? They scare the shit out of me, because no one here knows how they work. If I'm in Idaho Falls, and get to a roundabout, 9 times out of 10 the person in front of me will slow down when no one else is coming, then stop in the middle of the roundabout to let other people in front of them. Come to think of it, since I left Missouri, it seems no one knows who's turn it is at a four-way stop, or how to turn right on a red light, or notice when the left arrow is green. Oh, and they all figure speed limit means go much slower than that. Reminds me of Fight Club (the book) where they all go slightly under the speed limit just to piss people off.
Oct 20, 2006 Millenium Blackhawk link
The problem in the first clip is not a result of too much horse power, but not enough. It is exactly what happens when you use a trucklet to do a Truck's job. My truck has enough low end torque to pull house off the foundation, and would have pulled that car through that pile snow with out stepping on the gas. But it doesn't corner anything like that beemer. :) (that's why i got the bike :D)
Oct 20, 2006 Cunjo link
Bike doesn't corner anything like a good beamer either... unless it's a beamer bike (;

The M3 CSL is just an over glorified M3 GTR... I'm not impressed... or, at least not as impressed as I would have been if they had made a road-going version of the M3 GTR V8.
And forget the Isle of Man - its playground is the Nordschleife
Oct 20, 2006 Snax_28 link
Hey that track is in GT4.