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Disappearing Players X-Files Thread

Sep 12, 2006 LeberMac link
Or, the "Whatever happened to _________" thread...

I'll post the first one:

1. Where'd Klabbath/Nigel go? I was growing fond of his archconservative rants.
Sep 12, 2006 smittens link
Dammit Leber! I thought you were posting about the X-Files!

2. Eldrad!
Sep 12, 2006 LeberMac link
I actually saw Eldrad online about a month ago. I fought him and he kicked my ass like usual. So yeah, it was Eldrad.
Sep 12, 2006 moldyman link
I saw Eldrad too.

Here's one person I've been wondering about for a while: Cap'n 'Nice' Harddrive
Sep 12, 2006 drdoak007 link
i put out an amber alert for nigel. i have emailed his personal ... uh ... email...

and still no reply.

one day all the answers will unfold. all good i hope.
Sep 13, 2006 Dark Knight link
I know CNH plans to play again, it's just a matter of doing some wheedling.
Sep 13, 2006 jexkerome link

What the heck happened to that guy?

I liked his apathetic better-than-thou style, it was as if you took Lecter, Genka, Miharu and Igor (the donkey from Winnie the Pooh) and put them on the blender, set for frappe.

Or CrippledPidgeon. He still haunts IRC but no longer plays, and now that his beloved Hog is a much more useful ship than before (creepy that his trim was white, though. FU-GLY!)
Sep 13, 2006 LeberMac link
Yeah! Wasn't ViciousNanite doing something with a rescue mission? Looks like the TGFT guys were going that way in the "When Pigs Fly" thread, but called it off.

VN, post here!
Sep 13, 2006 LeberMac link
3. Captain Nice harddrive
4. ViciousNanite

I'll add...
5. Tramshed
I heard a nasty rumor about him from someone, wondering if the nasty rumor is true.

Oh, and
6. Churin Imami
Sep 13, 2006 Touriaus link
Sep 13, 2006 moldyman link
Churin went off on a quest of some sort, last I heard... the character, anyway.
Sep 13, 2006 who? me? link
who? me?

when is that guy gonna be back ingame??
Sep 13, 2006 MSKanaka link
Leber: Said rumor about tram is true... I've heard it confirmed by several people.

8. Zoras Ock
9. Dragon of Fire
Sep 13, 2006 LeberMac link
Dragon of Fire left all of his monies to [ITAN], which was a substantial bit of cash, before he quit the game.
I have not seen him since, but I think [ITAN] will name its first capital ship purchased with that money "Dragon of Itan" or something along those lines.
Sep 13, 2006 smittens link
Miharu, WHO confirmed the story about tramshed? People in this game? Unless said people knew him or those involved with the supposed scandal, its just speculation. Possibly true speculation, but still without confirmation.
Sep 13, 2006 Dark Knight link
"I liked his apathetic better-than-thou style, it was as if you took Lecter, Genka, Miharu and Igor (the donkey from Winnie the Pooh) and put them on the blender, set for frappe."

Throw ze svitch! *lightning flash*
Sep 13, 2006 MSKanaka link
The people I talked to knew Tram in person. And I'm well aware that if someone else had said it you wouldn't have said a thing, so why don't you stuff it and go stick your head in an operating oven?
Sep 13, 2006 LeberMac link
Now, now Miharu. Let's keep this valuable thread on-topic please.

10. Waylon

Oh, and it's Eeyore, not Igor.
Igor. pffft.
Sep 14, 2006 jexkerome link
Down here it IS "Igor". We don't go for your crazy american spelling, nor do our vowels change their sound on a whim. So down here "Eeyore" is read "eh-yoh-ré"; "Igor" (ee-gohr) makes much more sense.

I incredibly saw Sacred Chao, which IIRC was once considered the richest guy in the game, about a week ago. Who else to add to the list...?

What ever happened to that yodaofborg character, hmmm?
Sep 14, 2006 toshiro link
Ee-gohRR. Repeat after me, with a rolling r.


11. Lin