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Intelligence test.

Mar 04, 2006 Spellcast link

So far i've gotten 25 of them.

drawing a blank on #'s: 11,14,17,20,28,29,30, & 31...
Mar 04, 2006 jexkerome link
11. 90 degrees in a right angle.

By the way, this is also a test of knowledge; if you lack the required info to make sense of a certain line, your intelligence is not going to be of much help. For example, while everyone knows a year is 365 days long, not that many know that it has 52 weeks, and thus "52 W to a Y" is going to be meaningless to these people. Another fine example is "32 is the T in D F at which W F"; down here we use C, not F, and we're, in fact, not taught F at all, at least not in what amounts to basic education (up till US high school level), so a very smart person that simply lacks this knowledge won't be able to crack that line, no matter his IQ.
Mar 04, 2006 Spellcast link
Mar 04, 2006 mgl_mouser link
Some are kinda misleading or can have multiple answers.

20 is "8 tentacles on an octopus" but is the only answer I give you!

EDIT:Oh. And I agree this has nothing to do with intelligence but rather knowledge.
Mar 04, 2006 Fnugget link

I actually didn't know 14, just guessed it.
Mar 04, 2006 Spellcast link
ahh, thats why i couldnt get 14.. i was misspelling rugby.. somehow i thought it had an h in it. (dont ask it was early in the morning when i started this.. rhugby doesnt even look right now)

and 17 now makes sense as well, Being a damn yank i don't usually think of football as soccer.

for 29 i have no excuse.. i should have gotten that one.

And yea, it definitely has a cultural bias.
Mar 04, 2006 toshiro link
People who are not of american or english background are at a severe disadvantage here... or maybe I'm just too easily frustrated.
Mar 04, 2006 Spellcast link
no tosh, the test has a severe cultural bias to it. some of the phrases would be extremely hard to figure out if you aren't used to speaking in the english or idiomatic american word order.

Additionally a few of them require correct placement of a plural or possesive ' mark within a word.

I'm still stumped on 3 of them myself..

28, 30 and 31.

Based on patterns elsewhere in the test
# 30 might be "9 Players in S A" (anyone know any sports or games using those letters?)

Also using patterns elsewhere in the test,
#28 could be 23 P of C in the Holy Bible
the C could be christ.. but i cant come up with the P.. not very up on my bible stories.

I'm completely stumped on 31.. for a bit i thought it might have something to do with the game of cricket.. came up with
6 bowls to an O?? in cricket..
Mar 04, 2006 Beolach link
#32 is easy... but it won't take my answer. 'tis pissing me off.

@Spellcast: you're on the wrong track entirely for #28. As a hint... sarahanne would probably get it.

Y'all make me feel like a cheater, reading your answers. Most of them I'm pretty sure I'd have got on my own, but... anyway, I've now got all of them except 30. It's still not taking my answer for #32, but I know it's right.
Mar 04, 2006 Cunjo link
they took out 57 H V :(

I've done this before... I know most if not all of them.

Beo: you're probably spelling it wrong. 2 ls, 2 ns..
Mar 04, 2006 ananzi link
Promoters of Communism in the Holy Bible.

A throughly red book.

Jesus fed thousands of people with a single fish. This was the beginning of the socialist welfare state. Those people became dependent upon the 12 disciple bureaucracy for food rather than pulling themselves up by their boot straps, and finding their proper place in Roman society, such as slaves or gladiators or beggars or something.

Then Jesus went into a faith based business and caused physical violence to the office equipment. This is basically terrorism and violence in the workplace. No wonder offices have to have high security these days. Over 90% of Americans were taught since birth to 'overturn the tables' of reputable faith-based industrialists.

etc etc etc
Mar 05, 2006 genka link
30 is 9 provinces in south africa
31 could be 6 bowls to an over in cricket, but last time I tried it wouldn't take my answer

Anyway, I think the real test of intelligence here is how seriously you take this stuff.
Mar 05, 2006 Beolach link
Re: Cunjo

There is a part 2 I haven't looked at much yet, might have that one.

I'm very certain I was spelling it correctly, no idea why it wasn't taking it. It did take it just now when I went back... whatever.
Mar 05, 2006 Spellcast link
@Spellcast: you're on the wrong track entirely for #28. As a hint... sarahanne would probably get it.

I'm a retard.. got it now. that leaves #31.

and on test #2...

6, 18-21, 23 & 24. Tho i'm narrowing those down as we speak, but i'm doing it at work which is not making it any easier... I keep getting interrupted :(.

EDIT : removed a few numbers that i've gotten since i posted.
Mar 05, 2006 Shapenaji link
31 you won't get unless you're english. A friend spotted it. I would never have gotten it.

its 6 Balls to an Over in Cricket
Mar 05, 2006 Spellcast link
edit ahh


i tried bowls and bats.. but not balls. I remembered there being something about 6 tries at bat per 'over' (inning/turn/whatever) in cricket... but couldnt come up with one it would take.

there that gives me all of them on test 1... on to test 2. :P
Mar 05, 2006 Cunjo link
Still no 57 H V in part 2... what a ripoff. :<
Mar 05, 2006 Spellcast link
and no 88 K on a P either.

nor is there 2001 A N or half a dozen others i allready know :P

Edit. 2:18 pm

Just got #1 on test #2 and it's a strange answer to me, it kind of makes sense, but goes pretty much against what i have been taught about world geography. more and more i'm guessing this test has an english cultural bias to it.
Mar 05, 2006 Cunjo link
What did you expect, Spell? It's designed in English after all...

then again, I haven't seen 12 S of the Z or anything of the like
Mar 05, 2006 The Kid link
8 bits in a byte
21 questions so far

If you're studying chemistry/physics/sciences that require use of periodic table (like me) it might be hard to get 23... 115 known chemical elements. I think it's up to 116 now. And if you don't use it it's hard to get so that's a "hard" question.