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take out the free bus, at it is promoting communism

Oct 16, 2005 ananzi link
communism, which killed 500 billion people, is clearly being promoted by vendetta.


the 'free bus'.

why should people get something for free? it is only welfare losers who cannot manage their money and become dependent on government bureaucracy, which threatens our freedom!

why should i, a hard working miner, see my money go to shiftless layabouts while they suckle off the teat of my labor.

if the free bus program were ended, corporations and governments could save untold billions of credits, and pass that savings along in lower ship and equipment prices to us honest traders and miners.

the poor are holding us down, dragging on our backs like 100 pound lead weights!

i urge the programmers to stop the 'free bus' program, it is like soviet propaganda driven into the heart of all freedom loving people. 'no, you dont have to work. take this free bus and get it blown up. it doesnt hurt anyone to waste money'.

next thing you know kids will be demanding the government give them free books, free lunches, and free schooling. what communist horror would that lead us into?

in conclusion, i can only hope that the games industry, lead by Guild, will put more of the wholesome american values into its games so that we can raise children properly. the values of righteous violence, the thrill of murder, and the joy of slaughter. values that have stood the test of time.

thank you and good night.
Oct 16, 2005 Spellcast link
sigh.. another lame flamebait toll by a lame flamebaiting troll.

[billygoat to suggestions forum for cleanup.. billygoat to suggestions forum for cleanup please]
Oct 16, 2005 Ion link
Haha, great post, ananzi. I'm with ye on this one.

What if the poor and downtrodden were actually given the means of making their way in the world, the chance to become self-dependent and self-sufficient, for free... What terrible societal hierarchy and structure would that lead to? And the free bus is surely the first step away from the wonderful economical freedom the Union has bestowed upon us. This is itani-inspired, soft-heartedness designed to make us forget the great values upon which our society is built.

Come to think of it, Sweden is kinda like that... I should do something about that, being a Swedish citizen. There are some nice nazist-inspired political groups here in Sweden with just the right(TM) opinion on the weak and useless, and how to deal with them...

Perhaps not appropriate for these forums, but very insightful.
Oct 16, 2005 Starfisher link
Hahaha, good post. Good post.
Oct 16, 2005 Dark Knight link
/me agrees with Spellcast, but at least this one was done with a sense of humor.

Either that or ananzi is more screwed up than any of us thought.
Oct 16, 2005 Spellcast link
i'd be less disgusted about his trolling if he had ever bothered to answer me when i replied to his last bit about communisim/socialism.

in general tho i dislike his blatant assumption that american values are the benchmark by which the whole world should gauge its standards.. political, moral, or otherwise.
Its that particular attitude that has 70% of the rest of the world PO'ed at us.

[yes i'm i'm not anti-american.. we have a great country but we aren't perfect and until we stop acting like it we aren't going to be very popular with the rest of the world]
Oct 16, 2005 Celkan link
Frankly, from when we learned about forms of government in 10th grade, I'd have to say Communism as idealized and designed, but not as practiced is much better than anything else we learned about--including capitalism.
Oct 16, 2005 Starfisher link
Are you guys serious?! This has to be the most obviously joking troll ever, and even if he's serious, it's so wildly insane that you can't do anything but laugh.

Try it. Go ahead. Laughing is fun!
Oct 16, 2005 Forum Moderator link
[moved to Off Topic]
Oct 16, 2005 Spellcast link
you're pretty much accurate in your assumptions there celkan, unfortunately communisim as idealized will never occur because it requires EVERYONE to value the state above the self. most people arent wired that way.
Oct 16, 2005 LeberMac link
I value myself above the state, especially Wisconsin.
Oct 16, 2005 Spellcast link
not that kind of state.. lol
Oct 24, 2005 danielky link

ananzi, this title actually was funny. but it doesn't get me past the fact that you're a loony.
Oct 25, 2005 who? me? link
since when has comunism killed 500000000000 people?
Oct 25, 2005 ananzi link
thats just like a liberal, to complain about numbers... cold cold soulless, godless numbers.

whether it was 5 dozen, or 500 billion, it was way way too many, and that means the bus has to go. or you hate god.
Oct 26, 2005 Suicidal Lemming link
This thread makes my brain sad.
Oct 26, 2005 jexkerome link
I hate God. I sneer at him, too.

Let's see him do something about it.

What's that, you say, He can't, because he doesn't Exist?

Oh, you say He Won't becuase of yaddayaddayaddastupiddogmaticcrap.

In the end it the same, right?

Seriously, Long Live the Flying Spaghetti Monster. At least He doesn't promote mass genocide like the Judeo-Christian-Muslim one does.
Oct 26, 2005 ananzi link
jex, what about the 500 billion? dont you care about the babies?
Oct 26, 2005 Forum Moderator link
"Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children!?!"
Oct 26, 2005 Spellcast link
I think children are very nice.. particularly fried with a side of hash browns.