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Scientific discovery made in the VO universe!

Jan 03, 2009 ShankTank link
Very recently, I decided to spend a day exploring the odd sectors of the Vendetta universe. When I went around looking for a good glimpse of one of the planets, luck had it that most were engulfed in ion storms. Then on the nav screen I noticed an odd, round body in the Assian Ice Belt in Latos J-13 that was almost as big as the gas giant Ka-Tet but looked terrestrial. Furthermore, it had no name. I went to check it out, and spent an hour or two to make sure that it really did qualify as a planet, here is my proof:

The first sector I went to was Latos J-13:

As you can see, the planet is not labeled. Here is a picture of the planet from that sector:

As you can see, it is very large and terrestial; as you can not see, it does rotate. Some might argue that it's just a part of the ice belt but that does not keep it from being a planet, especially since there are other such named planets with similar positions that are much smaller. As I said, it is perfectly round and almost as big as Ka-Tet: the dominating gas giant of the Latos system.

However, one thing did bug me... I could not see the halo that other planets have that signifies an atmosphere, so I went to another sector facing the sun (Latos I-12) and took more snapshots:

As you can see, when in this sector the planet no longer comes between me and the Latos sun.

This is the overall picture from this sector, but I zoomed in to get a closer look at the atmosphere:

It clearly does possess one as seen in this screenshot.

At this point, it's pretty clear that this planet meets the qualifications to join the family of said many planets of VO, but I took another half-lit picture from Latos J-12 just because it would be pretty.

That's it from the nav screen map, and here's the actual picture:

In the event that this body does indeed enter planethood with the evidence I have provided, I have decided to name it "Chaak" and would be honored if the devs would edit the universal nav screen for Latos J-13 to read "Planet: Chaak" if they are willing.

Chaakin Tockoa
Jan 03, 2009 FatStrat85 link
Jan 03, 2009 LeberMac link
I vote for Chaak.

It probably did not get a planet name since apparently it's not "entirely" all in one sector.
Jan 03, 2009 ShankTank link
Nah, I've seen planets with up to four labeled sectors (Ka-Tet being an obvious example) maybe more for the ones with rings. Planets can be seen in the skybox from other surrounding sectors, too (said sectors don't have to be labeled, you just are able to see the planet from them).
Jan 04, 2009 Ultimatum479 link
I stopped reading and started lolling the moment I read that there's a place in VO called the Assian Ice Belt.
Jan 04, 2009 chewbaccaofborg link
Leber, you ninny, you can see all planets in VO from their surrounding sectors. The planet is indeed in J-13. As you will note from his *other* views, the planet is smaller the further you get from it. The fact that it is *very* dark in J-13 is probably why it has gone unnoticed for so long, and why it is not visible from the universe map.

I think you deserve to get to name it too matey, of course, thats not up to me :)
Jan 04, 2009 MysticRogue link
I agree, you found it, you should get to name it..however dev rules may be different...hehe :D
Jan 04, 2009 trolley link
there is no secret serco implant testing station on 'Chaak'.
Jan 04, 2009 ShankTank link
It spins 360, don't worry I woulda seen it lol.

Unless... It's underground. >_> */me looks at camera with wide eyes as a dramatic spike plays.*
Jan 04, 2009 vIsitor link
I would've imagined that the planet's official name is Assian, or something. Thats what I always assumed in these sort of cases. There are a lot of planets that aren't labeled, except for giving the asteroid belt that surrounds them a proper name. (I would imagine this is something like Ceres in real life; its bigger than every other asteroid, but not quite big enough to meet the official criteria for "planet").
Jan 04, 2009 ShankTank link
Aye, but look at it on the nav map: it's huge! Sedina V has a very similar case with location in a roid belt, but it's even smaller than Chaak and it's still labeled. I've even seen some specifically labeled planets in places named like "Alpha Ice Belt" that obviously aren't named after the planet, so it would be a very odd case if this broke the protocol.
Jan 05, 2009 MythOpus link
I concur. Chaak.
Jan 05, 2009 maq link
Planet - Assia, roid belt around it - Assian.
Lack of label? Cartographic oversight.
That's my take on this.
Seems there were continentalists (kinda like nationalists only... less specific?) among those who discovered that planet >.>
Jan 05, 2009 ShankTank link
Perhaps the planet was overlooked in a cartographic error, yes, but it would not be an odd case if the planet's names was not the same as the astroid cluster around it. Take Edras C-2 as an example: the ice field is called the "Ghoti Ice Field" (if you ask me, a very unique name) but the planet is called "Edras VI" (not Ghoti) hence proving that there is no link between the surrounding ice field name (however specific) and the name of the planet in the ice field.
Jan 05, 2009 Milferd link
Very neat discovery
Jan 06, 2009 Armonia link
/me votes for Chaak
Jan 06, 2009 Professor Chaos link
I vote we name it Rupert.
Jan 06, 2009 scivener link
i like Bob better ^.^
Jan 06, 2009 Yuutuu1 link
I vote we name it Shakti Pleasure Moon ;)
Jan 07, 2009 toshiro link
Chaak sounds fine to me.

Now Leela needs to find a new home.