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New updater -- ATTN Linux users

Aug 26, 2004 a1k0n link
Hi, we just released a new updater. Let us know if you have any problems with it.

The old Linux updater, however, doesn't seem to be able to update itself. The new one does seem able to update itself, but that doesn't help you.

So, Linux users, please rm ~/.vendetta/update.rlb and then re-run the Vendetta launcher; then it will properly update to the new updater.
Aug 26, 2004 Ticho link
Seems to be working aight. I like the increased verbosity.
Aug 26, 2004 mr_spuck link
yup .. no problems as of yet.
Aug 26, 2004 UncleDave link
Will there be a new skin too? Just for the extra pizzazz...
Aug 26, 2004 Arolte link
Quick! Go to!!

UncleDave, skin for what? The in-game interface or the updater? I'd rather not see a custom skin for the updater. At least for the OS X version. Our GUI is pretty enough.

Aug 26, 2004 roguelazer link
Well, for the Widnows one, the devs decided to reset the backgrounds of all controls to grey. Even the ones that aren't normally grey. So it's sort of boring.

On topic: I just tested the linux one. Works like a charm. And looks nice, because it inherits the default gtk theme. :P
Aug 26, 2004 mr_spuck link
Is the Windows updater skinned or something? I've never seen it.

bestest fo message evar :P
Aug 26, 2004 Spider link
you rock a1k0n!!
*** Lua error: [string "..."]:19: download progress for unexpected ref#!
*** Stack trace:
1 [C]:-1 in (null) ()
2 [C]:-1 in assert (global)
3 [string "..."]:19 in on_http_progress (global)
zsh: 2259 segmentation fault ./vendetta
Aug 26, 2004 a1k0n link
Bonus points if you can reproduce that. And send me the _entire_ log (the web bugreporter is fine)
Aug 26, 2004 Icarus link
Guess what:

*** Lua error: update.lua:344: update.lua:52: bad argument #1 to `tonumber' (string expected, got nil)
*** Stack trace:
1 [C]:-1 in (null) ()
2 [C]:-1 in error (global)
3 update.lua:344 in (null) ()
Aug 26, 2004 ctishman link
The updater's stuck on a 7k update it can never finish. MacOS X version.
Aug 26, 2004 Kyle Katarn link
yep it worked fine (well since I dont use linux that obviously makes sense).
Aug 26, 2004 paedric link
Windows updater worked just fine (even if I can't skin it)
Aug 26, 2004 Arolte link
Errr... it was fine before. But now when I opened up again this afternoon all I'm getting is "Total: 7/3KB" and that's all it says. nothing in the text area. OS X version.

EDIT: Opened it up again and now I'm getting "Total: 6/2KB" with a progress description saying "Reticulating splines..."

EDIT: Third time's a charm. Now it went through. Version beta 3.5.7 complete.

EDIT: Maybe not. Now everytime I open the updater it always downloads a 6KB file. Was this done for testing purposes? Other than that everything is fine.
Aug 26, 2004 raybondo link
Icarus, what os? Have you run Vendetta on other platforms from the same directory?
Does it have that error every time you run the updater?
If so, try deleting the vendetta.lfv file and try again.

ctishman, it happens every time you run the updater?
Does it say what file it's trying to update or does it happen right away?

Arolte: hmm it does that here now too. I just tried it. It says 7/3KB and there's no text in the log window. I'll have to look at it later tonight.
[edit] i ran it like 10 times and it still isn't working.
Aug 26, 2004 raybondo link
The 6k file is a patch to the updater apparently. We can make interim patches without having to re-release a new updater. I dunno what andy's doing with it right now. maybe he tried fixing something.
Aug 26, 2004 Phaserlight link
I have the exact same experience as Arolte, running mac OS 10.3.5
Aug 26, 2004 Icarus link
The OS is Linux, I have never ran Vendetta using any other platform from the same directory.

Yes, I got the error everytime I tried to run vendetta.

I deleted "vendetta.lfv", and everything now works fine...
Aug 26, 2004 Spellcast link
I'm not getting any errors, but i am downloading a 6k file every time i run the updater, even if it's only 10 seconds later. After it downloads the file it's telling me 0 files modified. Unfortunately i'm on a DSL connection and the 6k file loads so fast i cant see what the name of it is.

I'm on a Windows XP machine.
Aug 26, 2004 paedric link
Ditto Spellcast's problem. O/S is XP SP2