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5billion SCRAP....

Feb 20, 2014 Faceof link
The title says all.....anyway ...dont need to wonder why noones build this and why this game from worst go to worst??

A only 1 fighter kill an 5billion Capship in NFZ and PoS....:(


Feb 20, 2014 incarnate link
Feb 20, 2014 Faceof link
Sorry Inc ....ONLY 1 FIGHTER KILL A TYPE-M....please fly a Type -M and try to defend/kill from X-1 or and Warthog .....please ....and also in NFZ.....please..try it!!!

Also the guys of ALT is online now ...u can ask and get hes advise....:(
Feb 20, 2014 Faceof link
WOW .....thanks guys!!!!!:)

Feb 20, 2014 greenwall link
What the hell just happened.
Feb 20, 2014 abortretryfail link
I think this is a poorly articulated complaint about how useless the turrets on the Trident Type M are for defense.
Feb 20, 2014 incarnate link
We did have someone solo a Leviathan. I'm sure a player-trident is an easier target. But there is insurance, which is currently priced quite low, and not 5 billion (but one ten-thousandth of that?).

Automated turrets may come in time, but.. one thing at a time here.
Feb 20, 2014 abortretryfail link
The problem isnt the automation of the turrets, it's the placement. You can kick the turbo on then hop in a turret.

You can't aim behind you at all, so if you're attempting to flee an attacker, they mostly just follow in a huge blind spot right behind your ship blasting away.

All of the smaller ships have a rear facing turret.
Feb 20, 2014 incarnate link
With automatic turrets firing homing or swarm missiles, it would probably mitigate some of the issue.

We may improve the turret coverage, or add a rear turret; but we cannot ever get complete coverage (on any ship), there's always a wing or a pod or something in the way, or not enough room for the turret.

Under no circumstances is the Trident ever supposed to be a perfectly defensible, amazing fortress of awesome. It's basically a mildly upgraded freighter. It is not even a Teradon.
Feb 20, 2014 abortretryfail link
All it would take is move the upper aft turret to the actual aft part that overhangs the docking bay. That alone would make a world of difference because you could load out an energy weapon that could actually aim at your attacker.

Missiles don't work if you're trying to flee because in the time between the detonation and the server's hit validation, the ship has moved so far out of the blast radius that they take negligible damage (Geminis) and concussion (Firecrackers).

That's actually a problem with mines too, but less so since they have a much larger blast radius.
Feb 20, 2014 Pizzasgood link
Automated turrets firing homing missiles while fleeing would only make a difference for pilots who don't believe in Lua. We can already make plugins to cycle through the turrets blind-firing missiles at the target. All that automated turrets would provide in that specific situation is better initial aim on the missiles, which doesn't accomplish much while moving (see Arf's post above).

Where AI turrets would be helpful is in using non-missile weapons, particularly while the Trident is not fleeing like a ninny. With a human pilot at the helm, four AI gunners firing a combination of energy and homing weapons, and a single attacker, the attacker is going to die before the trident in the majority of cases.
Feb 20, 2014 greenwall link
"Automated turrets firing homing missiles while fleeing would only make a difference for pilots who don't believe in Lua."

Nice little passive aggressive elitism there, Rin.
Feb 20, 2014 Inevitable link
What faceof was trying to say was that two pilots destroyed his trident in a nfz and he is angry about it. ARF arent' tellar ulam mines a good deterrent to those who hide in your blind spot? But now they have shields so this post doesn't matter.
Feb 20, 2014 abortretryfail link
No, TU mines are more of a liability than a defense. They don't even trigger if you drop them and someone's already in range.
Feb 21, 2014 TheRedSpy link
Turret placement is absolutely a non-issue, it always has been.

Currently the issue is that they're small port weapons with unlimited ammo so they are both ineffective and they spam inordinate amounts of junk into the sector disrupting normal combat activity.

The large port swarms have a mandated slow rate of fire which is perfect for the trident, so do capgauss. If we could get to a situation where firecrackers can't be used on a trident sooner rather than later it would actually be tolerable to fight with them in a sector.

As it stands, nobody is going to fight around a spammy trident full of firecrackers.

As for the complainant, you fly around without an escort, of course you're going to get hammered by a squad of players. This is a multiplayer game in which you are required to make friends to succeed at defending yourself.
Feb 21, 2014 Kierky link
You're getting slow TRS, I was expecting the whine to come earlier.
Feb 21, 2014 TheRedSpy link
How is it a whine? I can do this to anybody if I want, I just think that seeking missiles are the most boring form of combat, why would I choose to participate in it?
Feb 21, 2014 abortretryfail link
As it stands, nobody is going to fight around a spammy trident full of firecrackers.

I do and so does the rest of my guild. We've even destroyed a couple of them.
You're projecting.

Better turret placement would make using energy weapons instead of homing missiles actually a *thing*
Feb 21, 2014 greenwall link
Fighting one or two people with a trident is totally different than fighting a group of people with a group of people + a trident.

The spamming of homing missiles is much less annoying and effective as you increase the amount of assailants agains the TTM.

It's well known that the Chaos and Cap Guass turrets are totally inneffective against anyone but the most newbish (as they relate to Tridents, that is).

That said, as inc says the TTM isn't supposed to be perfectly defensible. So there is always going to be *something* that isn't quite right about it and would be nice to have tweaked. You gotta have some risk!
Feb 21, 2014 abortretryfail link
I'm not asking for it to be perfectly defensible. I'm asking for a turret, a single turret, to be positioned somewhere so that a weapon other than a homing missile has at least a chance of being useful.

People spam missiles because they're the only turret weapons that can hit something >500m away or stand a chance of hitting a fighter humping a blind spot.