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sector 8 Station

Jul 27, 2003 The Kid link
Since the mod just had to lock the last thread... I'm gonna start a new one. I got in to s8 station by a bug, there IS a station, although it might not be there physically. I respawn right by an ice when I leave the station, and only way to get back is by dieing.
Jul 27, 2003 StarFreeze link
Now a lot of people including me didn't believe Blaster when he said he was stuck in sector 8 station. But when he comes out of a piece of ice with all types of bot cargo. Not to mention him killing himself and reappearing out of the ice with new different bot cargo that is only from the makes the idea that something is there.

It may not be sector 8 station but it is there in some way or bug hehehe.

Yes I was there when he played around with the different types of bot cargo and reappearing out of the piece of ice.
Jul 27, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
it says sector 8.
There is cargo for sail there, bot only.
He constantly reappears out of the ice roid with bot cargo.
He dies and reappears out of the ice.

So non-beleivers, where is YOUR proof? ;-)
Jul 27, 2003 silentsuicide link
im thinking that every sector has a station like this. Its probably where the bots come from, and like the 18 station can be randomly thrown out into space (read respawning) and the "station" is where they get their weapons and cargo. I cant say for sure, but its seems to me the best possible anwser.
Jul 27, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
I believe there is a station in every sector, it's just that the sector doesn't contain the docking zones and the like, just make a station for every sector incase a bug needs to be tested someone can just set home there, or they are just there for the sake of completness in case you want to add the station.
Jul 27, 2003 The Kid link
My theory:
every station has 1 station, physcially or not. s16 and 8 has a "virtual" station, and if you do get in there, you'll respawn in the middle of the sector (pointed out by FiReMaGe).
(0.00 0.00 0.00)
(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000: 1.0000)
Why is there a station? I don't know. why does it have to have bot cargo? I don't know. but I bet there is no "physical" station in 8 and 16.
Jul 27, 2003 Sage link
What bug was it that got you into the station? Did you just die one day and get put into 8 instead of your home sector?

But in any case, my theory is that instead of having the AI bots come out of thin air, they come out of one of these "virtual stations" when they die. That way it's a simple matter of buyback and buy one cargo and they will be out. But that leaves the question of why there are no blue ions for sale in the stations. This keeps getting curiouser and curiouser.
Jul 27, 2003 The Kid link
I got stuck loading s8 and boom. that's all.
Jul 27, 2003 Wombatula link
Forum Moderator, There IS a s8 station, i saw blaster die and respawn in s8, there is no way he could die and get back there that quickely.
Jul 27, 2003 Chaos link
ONe thing that buggers you all, when is the cargo 31k, when you can only sell it for 25 every where?
Jul 27, 2003 The Kid link
Chaos: sell price is 30% lower than buy price if in same sector.
Jul 27, 2003 Arolte link
Did you check the ship purchase screen? What types of ships are available in that station? If there's a Furie, flying saucer, or Frigate for sale, stock up now!!!!!

Jul 28, 2003 The Kid link
nothing special, I think that's 16.
Jul 28, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
/me hands arolte a napkin to clean up his drool with.
Jul 28, 2003 Celkan link
Blaster, if that is true and you do manage to get inside the sector 16 station... you should spawn inside the frigate. ^.^;;; Oops...
Jul 28, 2003 tracid link
lol if every body could work together to find the station it would be funny.... seeing 8 blues, 9 reds, 11 gold in same s8 sector trying to find an entrance and none of those firing ... huhu

i do think there's station in every sec.... where is it? that is the question!
Jul 28, 2003 Forum Moderator link
Okay let me try to clear this up:

There are no *physical* stations in 8 or 16. Some of those who have posted here are somewhat correct about that. As you have seen, there IS a station interface for 8, but it is not intended for player access. Blaster fell in to the station interface in 8 due to an unlikely combination of events beyond his control. It's another case of "That shouldn't have happened". It should be even less possible (I hesitate to say anything is "impossible" here) after 3.3

You are welcome to continue to hunt for the station, but n00bs should be skeptical of anyone telling them to turbo into the ice or type / commands.
Jul 28, 2003 The Kid link
Mod: there we go, but I'd rather hear this through a dev. That's what I was thinking.
tracid: that'll be.... miraculous if no one fires.
Jul 28, 2003 Independence link
well, i sure am glad we got the sector 8 station mess cleared up. :)
Jul 28, 2003 Forum Moderator link
The Kid: One of the reasons that the Forum Moderator exists is to provide information and a "face" for Vendetta while the developers are busy...well, developing. The information I have provided is from raybondo.