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Ah , there are some things that really gladden the heart of the ancient miner . My pal LQI , The huntress , shih , DQA , etc has produced a child . "Jaida Nycole Skye".
Och , it was worth 9 months of vo to know that all has gone well. My love to the three of you ; enjoy a wonderfull christmas ...
I know I'm a silly old sod , but if there is such a thing I volunteer to be the spacefather......
Och , it was worth 9 months of vo to know that all has gone well. My love to the three of you ; enjoy a wonderfull christmas ...
I know I'm a silly old sod , but if there is such a thing I volunteer to be the spacefather......
Congrats :D
Yay LQI. Schweet! Remember: Sleep when the baby sleeps. Trust me on this.
Mmmm, baby...
Err... 'grats.
Err... 'grats.
Lexi, "sleep when the baby sleeps," what kind of garbage is that? Everyone knows that she needs to be playing VO when the baby sleeps.
Congratulations :)
Crip- No, the kid needs to be learning VO at an early age. When she's awake, sit her in front of the monitor and get her used to flying with FA off as soon as possible.
Yes, congrats, Isa!
Allow me to join in the chorus:
Many congrats :)
w00t! Congrats LQI!
May I recommend 'The First Idea' by Greenspan and Shanker; it's not about parenting, but rather about how babies 'bootstrap' language and rational processes. I found it thoroughly fascinating, and wished a number of times, while reading it, that I had a newborn around to observe. :)
May I recommend 'The First Idea' by Greenspan and Shanker; it's not about parenting, but rather about how babies 'bootstrap' language and rational processes. I found it thoroughly fascinating, and wished a number of times, while reading it, that I had a newborn around to observe. :)
Why do I have this sinking feeling that if momerath did have a newborn around him for long periods of time, we'd soon have the world's first organic LISP Machine?
That would be awesome. Artificial Intelligence-on-LISP-on-Real Intelligence! Possibly running DELIVERATOR as a background process. :-)
Congratulations LQI. :D
Have and wonderful and happy motherhood.
Have and wonderful and happy motherhood.
Gah.. you'd be takin that thing to the doctor every day to get the process restarted :p
Congrats on the baby!
Congrats on the baby!
Yes Grats on the baby....something noone else has said:
WE WANT PICTURES of the little bundle of Joy
WE WANT PICTURES of the little bundle of Joy
As long as it aint piccies of her caramel cheeks ;)
Gratz on the new arrival, it better be pirate and NOT trader stuff though :) !
Gratz on the new arrival, it better be pirate and NOT trader stuff though :) !
Ecka said it best: Massive Grats......