
List of player guilds with members who have been active within the past 30 days:
Name Acronym Members
01001000 01001001 01010110 01000101 [BEEP] 9
Aces of Capital Empire [ACE] 50
Big Red One [ONE] 267
Biologically Undefined Genome [~BUG] 10
Blazzy trade and mining co. [BLAZ] 34
Coalition of Itan [Itan] 157
Don't aRRRRRR Me [DRM] 12
Emergency Mechanical Services [EMS] 70
Family Galactic Travel Inc. [FAMY] 151
Flying WithOut Pants [FWOP] 49
Gonzo's Ore Emporium [GOE] 10
Guild About Making Events [GAME] 11
Happy Trails [#DIE] 24
Intergalactic Trade Organization [ITO] 113
Invictus [INV] 163
Itani Revenue Service [IRS_] 10
Jolly Roger [@X] 33
Latin Intergalactic Combat Alliance [LICA] 16
Lowered Expectations of Wandering Dimwits [LEWD] 117
Office of Strategic Services [#OSS] 17
Orbital Guard [OG] 23
Orbital Rock Extraction [ORE] 68
Pilots Advancing the Realms of Knowledge [PARK] 11
Sky Command Assault Regiment [SCAR] 36
Sky Command Profiteering [SKY] 11
Space Armament and Resource Corporation [SARC] 23
Space Cows Inc. [MOO] 13
Space Goblins of Gurtuk [GOB] 34
Space PATROL [SP] 10
SpaceBears 2: Unbearable [SB2] 14
Star Rose Galactic Defense [ROZA] 11
The alliance against the Empire [REBL] 13
The Asteroid Kultists Ordinate [TAKO] 56
The Guild of Free Traders [TGFT] 834
The New Breed Pirates [NBP] 31
The Premium Prospecting Trading [PPT] 49
the red blades of serco [TOOS] 10
The Vipers [VPR] 30
Trident Arms Syndicate [TRI] 590
Unaligned [GREY] 31
Union of the Saving Darkness in the Stars [USDS] 51
United Federation of Planets [UFP] 72