Duel Stats: Faille Corvelle (1751)

Won against

Rating Name Victories
2512 Sieger 1
2507 Golgo 13, The Professional 2
2181 Hawkfeather 2
2009 Conflict Diamond 2
1951 Neon Black 6
1792 Nihilus 1
1707 Shark 1
1699 Voidance 1
1634 Mistena Kosmel 1
1632 Mr. Chaos 1
1618 Heimdallr 2
1616 TheRedSpy 2
1608 xDraenor Matrix 1
1601 Thespian 1
1513 Rin Ganborro 2
1427 Loki Wotansen 3
1421 Phaserlight 1
1415 CrazySpence 2
1397 JakP 1
1357 ARF_01 2
1353 Boda Shandis 1
1238 Ratala-Ra Ralina 1
1162 Bikiko 12
1158 Pegasys 4
1158 special123 2
1157 WKidd 4
1157 Kanan Jarrus 1
1128 Flying Baxter 1
1128 Sevezin 1
1112 Nick Cage 2
1102 Merlinian 1
1071 anna thehma 2
1065 Gerty 2
1064 Canine 1
1057 Kopia Onol 6
1047 raybondo 1
1041 Hated Ghost 2
1038 Monas Messick 2
1032 Lanigiro Elbbarcs 2
1021 xXChrisTylerXx 4
1013 Andy Spades 1
995 Etienne Montclair 1
994 Growlor 1
993 Thorn Apple 2
987 XLT 1
985 Bin Bonolus 1
981 Unarmed 2
971 Sedina B-8 1
970 Chrisdan 1
967 Evil Emo Elmo 1
964 Nyscersul 1
963 DeepSpaceOne 4
962 Illiya 1
958 XGaryG 1
953 FreedomBird 3
953 Arlathis JoHaun 2
949 Veson Cor 1
922 smudge 4
915 Garthi Lionheart 1
914 Orlando Mersey 1
902 sdkdp 1
900 Samwise 12
900 Woodlander 12
900 Il Monstre 2
900 killerghost420 2
900 Red Cardinian 2
900 Cezar Iulian Butu 1
900 draugath 1
900 Jack Diamond 1
900 pleaseo 1
900 Pvt.Joker 1
900 Randecius II 1
900 Red Otter 1
900 shar0baro 1

Lost against

Rating Name Defeats
2629 Nahin Lor 1
2533 Estrian Prosis 2
2512 Sieger 2
2507 Golgo 13, The Professional 1
2211 Phantash 1
2066 Ecka Estenk 2
2064 Footballprophet 1
2026 spidey 2
2009 Conflict Diamond 1
1951 Neon Black 1
1889 Archeron 1
1826 Ishathis Bessuni 2
1634 Mistena Kosmel 2
1632 Mr. Chaos 14
1616 TheRedSpy 9
1513 Rin Ganborro 9
1501 Ritter 7
1452 Espionage 1
1427 Loki Wotansen 2
1415 CrazySpence 15
1397 JakP 1
1357 ARF_01 2
1353 Boda Shandis 4
1340 Viper88 1
1162 Bikiko 6
1158 Pegasys 5
1157 WKidd 4
1121 ScotiaKnight 1
1120 tsreknor 1
1102 Merlinian 2
1059 Coffee Bean 1
1038 The Maniac 2
1022 Psychotropic Space Cow 1
1021 xXChrisTylerXx 1
1019 RedRumRepoReaper 1
1013 Andy Spades 1
963 DeepSpaceOne 1
953 Arlathis JoHaun 1
900 Samwise 6
900 Woodlander 2
900 Il Monstre 1

Draw against

Rating Name Draws
2507 Golgo 13, The Professional 1
994 Growlor 1
900 Woodlander 1