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Nov 11, 2007 blacknet link
I was helping someone on 100 the other day and wrote this for him. I think other people would benefit from this as well.

/autoeject on
/autoeject off

It searches through the cargo inventory for ore when the mining beam stops, it will eject anything with ' Ore' in the name. It will leave non-ore in the cargo hold.

Nov 11, 2007 Hedgehogs4Me link
could you make one that ejects every ore except one, which would be specified when turning it "on"? That might be a bit harder, but it would be VERY useful.

Nov 12, 2007 slime73 link

• /autojett -- lists commands ingame.
• /autojett toggle -- toggles AutoJett on or off.
• /autojett switch -- switches between jettisoning all ores, or just non-rare ores.
• /autojett list -- lists all ores which won't be jettisoned if AutoJett Switch is on.

To change which ores will be jettisoned if the Switch is on, open main.lua with a text editor and change the ore name to false or true (false will keep it, true will jettison it).
Example: If I want to keep Premium Xithricite, I would change
['Premium Xithricite Ore'] = true,
to this:
['Premium Xithricite Ore'] = false,

The only problem with this plugin is that it will jettison ALL ores (depending on if the switch is active), so if you fly over some Heliocene while AutoJett is active, it will drop it right back out of your ship.
Nov 12, 2007 Hedgehogs4Me link
thx, hope it works, I won't be able to test it until I'm on next :)

EDIT: It works, and it's AWESOME! thx so much.
Nov 15, 2007 slime73 link
Smittens made a plugin a few months ago which is similar to mine, but has the ability to change which ores are jettisoned from the command line.

Download link:
Quote from a post made by Smittens in another forum:

To use: Drop the DropCrap folder in your plugins folder. It will start on by default, and will, (by default) dump all ores worse than xith (including xith).

Commands are: /dropcrap KEYWORD
KEYWORDs are...
on - Turn dropCrap on
off - Turn it off
printkeep - Print a list of all the ores you are keeping
printdrop - print a list of all the ores you are dropping
drop "ORE NAME" - Puts ORE NAME on the drop list
keep "ORE NAME" - Puts ORE NAME on the keep list
asdfasdf (or anything besides those above) - Shows commands

Make sure that you have quotes around "ORE NAME" and that it is the full name (ie, instead of Ferric, you want "Premium Ferric Ore") If you are unsure at the full name, you can just check the printkeep or printdrop to see the full name and how to spell it.

Using the drop and keep commands only works for that session of VO. If you Reload the interface or quit and comeback, it will revert to default drop/keeps. To change the default, open main.lua inside the DropCrap folder. At the top will be a bunch of ore names in brackets, which = either 1 or 0. If you make it = 1, then the ore will be dropped, if you make it = 0, the ore will be kept.
Jan 04, 2008 Scraggles link
File Download Area. File Size - 0 MB

get errors and no file :(
Jan 04, 2008 slime73 link
The link I posted above works..