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Petition for the disbanding of BotH
Come on they have one member!!! Please please put that guild out of its misery!
Anyone else agree? Then post here.
Anyone else agree? Then post here.
Oh come on, they only lost half their membership!
they've got such a cool logo
If you couldn't see the guild listing, you'd have no idea they even existed and it wouldn't bother you. (That's softy2's philosophy...)
But, I say delete... Delete... DELETE!
But, I say delete... Delete... DELETE!
you know if you spell delete backwards you get eteled...
just something to think about
just something to think about
"And now, if you'd please turn in your hymnals and join me in singing number 119: ah-DELETED!!!!!"
they're still there
*insert obligatory spam here*
Delete (and bump, because I can)
Delete (and bump, because I can)
YARRR I say dump their environmental controls and Erase em from the spaceways.
And so to the void we commit the memory of the BotH
And so to the void we commit the memory of the BotH
we shall now have a round of drinks and a hearty "Don't let the door hit you in the...."
--This message brought to you by the Ministry of Deletion
--This message brought to you by the Ministry of Deletion
Well spacehunter seems to still be there, but i'll vote for their idiot website as most annoying and useless piece of shit ever.
I've got a fever. And the only prescription is... MOAR DELETE.