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Sditeus Hvae Swohn...

Jul 08, 2004 Celkan link
...taht if a haumn sees a wrod it kwnos wtih the fsirt and lsat lterts in tiher pperor pclae and the orehts jmlbed up, it wlil siltl usnratnedd the wrod crlocrty whitin a few pnercet of the tmie it wulod tkae if the wrdos wree selpt nlromlay.

If you understood, continue in this fashion.
Jul 08, 2004 quiveri link
You're right, I looked at it fast it looked ok :S
Jul 08, 2004 Sheean link
Yeah, but if you read it slowly it doesn't... odd.
Jul 08, 2004 genka link
Sooo... Unbelievably... old...
Jul 08, 2004 Pyro link
Wow, that study is really old... There was a Slashdot article on it months ago...
Jul 08, 2004 Celkan link
Yeah but the point was that you guys would follow up in the same fashion.
Jul 08, 2004 red cactus link
Wow, that is really cool. I don't know why, but I'm impressed muchly by this.

So, is tihs the ceorcrt mhteod of tpiyng out the wrdos?
Jul 08, 2004 Celkan link
Yes, taht is the crocret mohetd of tinpyg the wdros.
Jul 08, 2004 red cactus link
Wlel I msut say taht tihs is vrey cool. Now if olny tihs wree esiaer to tpye out I wulod tpye mroe.
Jul 08, 2004 a1k0n link
I ntioecd that this deosn't tyclapily work wtih wodrs slibaunlstaty lgenor tahn the agaevre rvialeetly sroht wdros.
Jul 08, 2004 genka link
It took me feveror to firuge waht "Sditeus" menat...
Jul 08, 2004 roguelazer link
taht is bcusae teh wrod lokos a ltilte lkie seincststis.
Jul 08, 2004 Sheean link
You colud do tihs wtih vrey lnog wrods too, lkie "ssyetmmitac", you jsut hvae to get the frist and lsat lteter of the improtnat prat(s) rgiht, I tinhk.
Jul 08, 2004 Celkan link
It jsut tkeas a bit lngeor tahn it ualsluy wluod, tath's all.
Jul 08, 2004 Hoax link
'Studies' is hrad bceasue teh 'St' shuold be traeted as oen lteetr. Try nto too braek teh frist 'phoneme' fro bteter rseluts. In mluti-slybale wdros keep teh fsrit and lsat letetr of teh syalbels in place.

Eevn thuogh teh sonud of it is seomthnig qiute atorcouis...

Jul 11, 2004 quiveri link
I tihnk taht you wree afwluly beord wehn you boruhgt tihs tpoic up, haox.


PS: tihs is petrty fun now taht I tinhk aobut it :D
Jul 11, 2004 roguelazer link
Ani't it jsut? Tshi kidn of tingh is fnu!
Jul 12, 2004 Celkan link
Gald to haer it! I was sohwn tihs in shocol and toghuht it was the cloeost tihng eevr.
Jul 12, 2004 Sheean link
Poelpe who get fed up by bad sepnillg are jsut triaend to sopt it.
Jul 13, 2004 Archon link
First time I saw the above, I thought it was latin. ^_^