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Jan 13, 2007 Cunjo link
Jan 13, 2007 upper case link
uh... weird way to push an opinion...

funny video nonetheless.
Jan 13, 2007 moldyman link
Jan 13, 2007 Blacklight link
Jan 14, 2007 Keyser Soze link
I rotflmfao'd
Jan 14, 2007 LeberMac link
Oh..... my.
Jan 16, 2007 break19 link
Know what I find funny.. yet sad at the same time..

We have the strongest economic growth since Reagan was president, and people are saying we're in trouble and need to raise taxes.

Uhhh.. If I'm a business owner/"rich man" and you raise my taxes, I'm just gonna fire some people to make up the difference in the lost revenue..

If you increase the amount I'm required to pay my floor scrubbers, then I'll just fire some of them as well, with regards to minimum wage.

Let the market decide what jobs are worth, in salaries.. If it's not enough for you, don't work for them.. Quite simple..

If they can't get employees, then they'll raise their wages until they can..