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national filmboard of canada study on drugs

Jan 04, 2007 upper case link
...using spiders as test subjects...
Jan 04, 2007 Surbius link
hmm hmmm.... such useful info...
Jan 04, 2007 chillum baba link
Heh... kinda funny... good find UC. :)
Jan 04, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
Nice web, Mr. Crack Spider.
Jan 05, 2007 drdoak007 link
Jan 05, 2007 chillum baba link
here's a weird one... Rabbit
Jan 05, 2007 drdoak007 link
W...T...F... was that?!?
Jan 05, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
The rabbit one creeped me out :(
Jan 06, 2007 a1k0n link
I still like Birds of Britain better.
Jan 06, 2007 look... no hands link
I have dreams that strongly resemble the rabbit one, Very strongly.
Jan 06, 2007 chillum baba link
get help... soon.
Jan 06, 2007 chillum baba link
Beware ze milky pirate.

(not all that great... but there is a milky pirate...)
Jan 06, 2007 look... no hands link
"get help... soon." lmao
Jan 11, 2007 Snax_28 link
Jan 12, 2007 LeberMac link
DAMNIT Gavan ya beat me to it!

Hahahaha. What the HELL are you doing up that late anyway? [EDIT - Or early? ]
Jan 12, 2007 Snax_28 link
You read the Tyee Leebs?! How very, very Left wing of you!
Jan 12, 2007 LeberMac link
LMAO. No, I read DIGG. Story just happened to be in thetyee...