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i realy need help with a game btw this is gnome

Nov 22, 2006 Lord~spidey link
the game is called tremulous and i want it for linux but i need help!!!
Nov 22, 2006 mr bean link
ive played that game before.
i was very confused by it. things like what are these bug things and what is the story or what the point of the game is
Nov 23, 2006 Mister Chief link
Tremulous = ownage.

I got hooked on it by a guy in my fencing class, and have been playing ever since.

Click here to get a copy for linux.
Nov 23, 2006 roguelazer link
It's Natural Selection for the quake 3 engine.
Nov 24, 2006 SPACERANGER link
I think it's much more addicting than NS.
Nov 24, 2006 ananzi link
i think it sucks.

a n00b has basically no chance, all the experience players screaming at you 'get out of the way'. the whole RTS thing is a joke because it winds up somebody screaming at you 'dont build, let me build'.

the 'strategy' boils down to a bunch of tank rushes inside the same old generic space station location we have seen a million times, and many of us are quite bored of.

your 'abilities' are related not to your development of your base, but instead on how many enemies you kill, and a 'timer' that goes through 'stages' of 'evolution'.

in short, its kind of like doom, but less fun because its so @#$@$ fast you can hardly tell what is going on half the time.

basically you spawn, go rush the enemy, get killed, maybe taking out one or two of them, wash, rinse, repeat.
Nov 24, 2006 mr bean link
is there even a single player?
Nov 24, 2006 roguelazer link
Nope. And what ananzi said is pretty much true. It's a pretty lame game, overall.
Nov 24, 2006 Mister Chief link
Meh, it's okay for a free FPS.

Oh, and ananzi, did it even occur to you to download some of the custom maps?
Nov 24, 2006 ananzi link
custom map, starting up the server, waiting 4 hours for people to join the map instead of joining one of the other two servers that already have 12 people.
Nov 24, 2006 Mister Chief link
Umm... The other servers *do* run the custom maps, and pretty frequently.
Nov 27, 2006 ananzi link