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Goodbye and thank you Juan!

Jun 30, 2006 RelayeR link
On behalf of the world's coffee drinkers, I bid a fond farewell and thank you to Carlos Sanchez.
Jun 30, 2006 LeberMac link
I dressed as him for Halloween! (I'll find the pic)
Click Here for Leebs as Juan Valdez
Jun 30, 2006 Hoax link
Hahahaha! That made my day Lebers.
Jul 01, 2006 Whistler link
Gawdamnit Leber! I was in the final chapter of "Pattern Recognition" (William Gibson) and you have abruptly become Parkaboy. I don't know why exactly, but it was distracting. I guess I should be thankful you were wearing pants.
Jul 01, 2006 upper case link
LOL leebs!

and that's as much uppercase characters you'll get.

now, totally off-topic, but just to one-up you on the silly costumes, the year star wars ep-1 came out, this is how i dressed for the release day:

and yes, that photo was (later) taken _at_the_office_!!!

(needless to say i won the office halloween costume contest prize that year)
Jul 01, 2006 LeberMac link
LMAO uc, that is hilarious!
Jul 02, 2006 thurisaz link people freak me out, I swear.... :P
Jul 02, 2006 moldyman link
Queen Amidala, that's rich
Jul 02, 2006 JestatisBess link
" people freak me out, I swear.... :P"
I 2nd that
Jul 02, 2006 Klabbath link

my HEAD! get it out of my HEAD!!!!

"Nigel the Indecently Dressed"
"Legin the Naked"