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Out of Game : VPR-IA vs BL, best player created content...

Mar 05, 2005 softy2 link

This is the 'out-of-game' thread about the current VPR-IA vs BL "storyline".

Basically, I think this the best thing that happened to the game since sliced bread. What started as a mutual protection pact between VPR-IA against the pirates of BL has ballooned into almost all out war between BL and Itan. My BL char is usually pretty mellow, but when some IDF started shooting to help out their IA brethren, what can he do but shoot back? So will the IDF be dragged into the war? Will BL resort to allying with the beleaguered Serco? Stay tune!

But, I think this is so exciting that the devs should consider incorporating it into the "storyline". I is carnage at the moment, no questions asked or quarter given. My poor BL char was taken down by a strikeforce of 4 IA ships the other day, and people are now flying *in fleets* for mutual protection. That is great, I am bored with 1 vs 1, and now even BL have started to fly in groups. Multiplayer, finally!

/me vote to add this to storyline.

P.S. Please keep this thread "out of game", for "in game" trashtalk, go to the other thread =).

[EDIT] : by the way, kudos to all who are participating!
Mar 05, 2005 Borb II link
Yeah it is crazy. Should be added to some kind of history maybe the news? I know it has added a great new element to the game. Will it be contained or will things spin outta control? For now who knows.
Mar 05, 2005 Blacklight link
I will not ally myself to a pirate unless it benefits the Serco Dominion

-Black 2
Mar 06, 2005 smittens link
Coud this ACTUALLY happen? At my request? OMG /explode

I could see it now....

Groups of pirates have joined together, forming a pirate guild known as the Black Lance, sworn enemies of self proclaimed pirate-hunters "The Vipers" The two guilds' battles are great, both sides winning and losing often. But Vipers are not always there, and the pirates, now organized and more terrifying than before, have each other as aid in extorting money from frightened travelers.

To combat the growing talents of the Black Lance, an Itani group has formed, lead by a smart, intelligent young pilot known as Lt. Smittens, earning his rank during a membership with a currently-disbanded group known as the Itani Secret Police. He lead 18 extremely talented pilots against the masses of the Serco while the Commander was healing from a serious injury sustained in battle. This expereince has rounded the pilot's talent to near-perfection, and earned him the respect of those he fought beside. He named this new guild the Itani Alliance, proclaiming it to have pure intentions. Beside him were many well known Itani, such as his Luitenants Kepler, once considered to be among the top five itani duelers, and Macguyitani, a brash young pilot with a knack for leading squadrons of miners, or coordinating escorts to help beginning traders. There are other notables in the Itani Alliance, both talented pilots and rich traders.

Nuthou5e, the leader of the IA's Foreign Relations Committee, has established an allegiance with the Viper Guild. Between the two forces, hundreds of IA or Vipers may occupy a sector of space at a time, crushing anyone foolish enough to attempt to pirate. In response, the Black Lance guild has begun a slaughtering of any Itani they see, not giving the attacked a chance to pay for their lives. Large numbers of IA members lose their lives in the hours following the announcement of the alliance, not mentioning the greater number killed in the days and weeks afterwards. The number of Itani joining the Alliance has dwindled--members of the Itani Nation are more hesitant to place a medal with a target prominently displayed on it onto their chest. In addition, the IA almost completely closes their doors to new members, growing ever more afraid of spies, while unfortunately leaving thousands to die in space alone without a guild to hear their distress calls as a pirate's blasters tear through their hull. As Black Lance realizes it is outnumbered, they try more stealthy methods, approaching IA and Viper leaders with bribes of unbelievebly high numbers--enough to allow any person who accepts to live a quiet life wherever they choose with enough money to pay off anyone who tries to disrupt it. But members of each of these guilds joined for a reason--each holds enough honor to turn down these bribes. Both the Luitenants of the IA have been subjects of assasination attempts, luckily without success.

Commander Smittens recieves a more personal message to break the alliance with Viper--he docks in Divinia one night to see his family's corpses lying just inside his home. On the inside of the door is a note left by Black Lance. "Tell the Vipers you're done." IA's commander packs everything he needs into a cargo ship that night, hiding it in the furthest reaches of space, and makes his new home his Vulture Mark 4. In a wave of insane paranoia, he hides somewhere undetected, leaving a message to Lt. Kepler to not let anyone into IA. Weeks later he returns, and comes up with a test nearly impossible to pass to give to those pilots hoping to join IA. More and more pilots join the ancient Itani Defense Force, belived to have been finished when it's commander disapeared. Rumors dash around that IA's Commander had approached anyone he could for protection, and that he had even found the legendary Order of Akan. In fact, if you were lucky enough to have a drunk storyteller in a bar with you, you might hear that Order of Akan had dissolved and joined the IA. But the Order is still not heard from, and people soon regard all of it as false.
Mar 06, 2005 Borb II link
Hehe, would fit right in to the back story. Has a nice Itani slant to it. :p
Mar 06, 2005 mdaniel link
<out of game>

Fun story smittens. :-)

Yes, I must say that all these events have added some big time fun to VO. For me it is extremely exciting to be right in the middle of it. Since this is a out of game thread, I too want to thank the main players of my guild, the IA and the BL guilds, for all the excellent Role Playing and their consistency to the roles they have taken on.

I want to reaffirm that I find almost ALL players to be nice guys of a friendly and good humored nature and I am sure on the sidelines or outside of the game they make for great buddies. :)

I always keep in mind that this is a game after all.

</out of game>

M. Duncan
Mar 06, 2005 ArAsH link
defenitely, player driven content at its best, and i'm still wondering why vendetta is that addictive!! ;)
Anyway, I don't know if an explanation is nessesary, I'm pretty new to RP'ing, but the way my character acts in the game has nothing to do with who i am outside the RP forum or game. I like you all and i love how characters like Yodaofborg, Borb, Descentpro, Shape, Duncan, Millenium Blackhawk and everyone else not in this list add atmosphere to this vacume called space. Keep it up guys, you make this game worth playing, and like allready Duncan said, it's pretty exciting to be in the middle of it.
Mar 06, 2005 Borb II link
Yeah I was talkin to a friend of mine. He was asking about the war, I was telling how it was going and he said some thing like: "Wow almost makes you want to not be a pirate huh?" To which I said, nah stuff like this is why I play VO.

Thanks to all who make VO worth it. :D
Mar 06, 2005 yodaofborg link
Its 100% true that real player created content is the best, whats even better is sometimes the devs take a hint from this and add new things to make it even better =D its like ever evolving player content, because the damn thing keeps changing around us =D and thats why I love Vendetta.
Mar 06, 2005 leapfrog link
Exactly!... I can't add too much to what has already been said, except - as Yoda mentioned - that we *are* lucky to have a small Dev team that focuses so well on the input of the players... they're tops in my book.

In addition, the personalities you folks provide to the game makes the content that much richer... so kudos to you all!
Mar 06, 2005 mgl_mouser link
I can't speak for IDF. But our current stance, as far as I'm concerned, is that IDF is currently neutral in regards to Black Lance.

The BL and Itani Alliance guilds' affairs regard only the IA and BL. However, there's an implicit treaty between IA and IDF, as we share some of the same goals, in particular, protection of itanis in general.

If an IA crewman (or any Itani) requests assistance from IDF, I will answer the call if I'm in a position to do so. Other IDF members might too, but it is not under our prerogatives at this moment.

I have crossed, earlier today, a UIT BL member in Itani space. He was, at the moment, running missions for the Itani government and being non-hostile. I whished him safe route, and some jugment into whom he decided to profit from. End of encounter. But his presence duely noted.

Perhaps this conflict will degenerate and pull in the IDF. If it does, as council of the Crommwell squadron, I will entice members of my squadron to target our designated enemies, shall IDF commander and/or lieutnants command me to.

Council Mogul Velaio, Cromwell squadron, IDF.
Mar 06, 2005 softy2 link
eh, mgl_mouse, Black 2, go to the other thread for "in-game" trashtalk =P.
Mar 07, 2005 Big Mike85 link
"Its 100% true that real player created content is the best, whats even better is sometimes the devs take a hint from this and add new things to make it even better =D its like ever evolving player content, because the damn thing keeps changing around us =D and thats why I love Vendetta."

Agreed that this is what makes VO such a great game but I feel that this is an inherent trait to all MMORPGs. However, that being said, it takes a team of dedicated devs, such as we have, so take advantage of this trait.

Gotta give credit where credit is due.

/givemoney devs 2c