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New! Autopilot system in testing

May 31, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
At last, I've coded out a system that will bring the pilot from any system in Eo (except for K-12) across the wormhole, and into Cantus. This is only a rough example of what's possible. Just think of the possibilities! Why, I figured that any jump from a sector that places the pilot within approximately 1866m (give or take a kilometer) from a WH is capable supporting an autopilot program. Perhaps even all WH's connecting the universe may be accessible through automated programs. But to find out, we need more research! The details are described in this diagram.

As of this day, Mynt's Guild is open for recruiting. Anyone who's interested in being a part of this project, and potentially others scoping out the limits of the known universe and beyond ought to consider a position, or at the very least offer your services for fame and fortune. Immortalize your name by stamping it on the project that revolutionized automated space travel. Just contact me, Commander Mynt. Any guilds wishing to support the cause will be welcomed graciously. Mynt's Guild is always in need of funding for researchers and testers.

To test the wonder of this new development, place this code in your ship computer's wgaf.cfg file. The password for initiating it is "Mynt". It's tuned for an unarmed EC-89, as that's a universal ship, but with the right data I can simply alter the numbers for any ship. Make sure you're clear to jump before beginning, as currently there's no method of aborting mid-flight. (Although given right funding I could easily implement one.)

alias Myut "MyntIII; MyntVI; alias MyntI 'MyntVI; wait 1 MyntII'"
alias MyntI "echo 'Created by Mynt'"
alias MyntII "alias MyntI 'MyntIV'; +brakes"
alias MyntIII "navroute clear; navroute add Eo K-12; navroute add Eo P-11"
alias MyntIV "wait 5 MyntVII"
alias MyntV "wait 20 MyntI"
alias MyntVI "activate; MyntV"
alias MyntVII "+brakes 0; MyntIX"
alias MyntVIII "wait 45 MyntX"
alias MyntIX "accel 205; strafeud -700; MyntVIII"
alias MyntX "accel 0; strafeud 0; MyntVI; alias MyntI 'echo Autopilot code Mynt complete.'"

With this technology, and the appropriate data collected throughout the universe, I envision a future where all dull space travel can be operated with the push of a button.

- Mynt
May 31, 2007 Lakche Seisu link
Sounds promising. Can we schedule a meeting sometime?
May 31, 2007 Cunjo link
lol, talk about an ego trip, the guy needs to name a guild after himself and offer people vaporware to get them to join it.
May 31, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
At least he's doing something cool, useful, and challenging. As opposed to, say... your duel rank whoring?
May 31, 2007 softy2 link
That's pretty cool.
May 31, 2007 Impavid link
Very neat idea. So, it works there I assume because you always enter the sector already facing the WH?

Hey Cunjo, before adding obnoxious comments to his Wiki page, maybe reread his actual post on the subject, where he answers your comment very clearly:

"It's tuned for an unarmed EC-89, as that's a universal ship, but with the right data I can simply alter the numbers for any ship."
May 31, 2007 Cunjo link
"Hey Cunjo, before adding obnoxious comments to his Wiki page, maybe reread his actual post on the subject, where he answers your comment very clearly:

"It's tuned for an unarmed EC-89, as that's a universal ship, but with the right data I can simply alter the numbers for any ship.""

I suppose he's also going to add extra sets of binds for, say, a moth with 2u of XiRite, and 2u of XiRite with prox mines, and 2u of XiRite with swarms, and 3u of XiRite, and.... and we can't forget the one proxmine and one concmine armed moth with 17 XGX blasters, 24 lawguns, 35 consumer electronics, 40 lux goods, 3 swarm launchers and 1u of samo!
May 31, 2007 Cunjo link
how many trade goods do we have at this point? 50? 70? well, take that number and raise it to the power of 120. That's how many different combinations there can be for the moth. Even if you ignore trade goods of the same mass, there are still far too many to be considered. You'd have to make a mass scale and offer different sets of binds every 100 kilograms if you wanted to maintain accuracy.
May 31, 2007 Impavid link
And that would work. Congratulations, you've solved the first of what will certainly be many problems with his system, and you did it without being a complete jerk! I like it, it's like turning over a new cunjo leaf...

Next on the list: How do you solve for WH entries that don't align on the WH after entry?
May 31, 2007 Cunjo link
did I mention that every 100 kilograms for a loaded moth could be upwards of several thousand different binds?
May 31, 2007 Roda Slane link
In my own attempts at automating navigation, I never managed to create a method that would autonomously predict the worm hole's direction and distance. My own navigation binds require user intervention at the time of entry of the worm hole sector, in order for the pilot to manually point the ship at the worm hole, and specify it's distance. I abandoned the project at that point.

In regards to adjusting Mynt's binds for different ship types/load, I believe that I could create a set of binds, that by having the pilot manually enter the ship type, and total ship mass, would be able to produce consistent and predictable ship maneuvers.
May 31, 2007 clay link
best i ever had working was something usuang a combination of binds and logitech profiller to launch, fly to a 100% ferric roid, mine for 20 minutes, dock, unload all, and fly to another roid. I gave up after getting it to work on two rocks cause i lost interest.
May 31, 2007 who? me? link
the system will probably jump around all ion storms, and go to the sector with the closest jump distance to wormhole, while still being aligned. there may be some cases where this wont work, asteroids being in the way springs to mind. or itan where you gotta go like 10km to get to the wormhole.

good luck on solving these issues!

edit: or get a grid of each sector and plot where the roids are, and where the wh is, and just monitor the ships location and adjust the direction if it gets too close to a roid or too far from a wh, but that would be a completely different project

'notheredit: maybe you could use /displayshippos to do this?
Jun 01, 2007 toshiro link
The amount of work involved is mind-numbing. It consist of a lot of detail work, and researching/staking out. If you can pull this one off, I'll tip my hat to you (for perseverance).

Hint: You might want to limit the autopilot to a set number of navroutes.

edit of hint: *Further* limit the number of navroutes.
Jun 01, 2007 jexkerome link
Such cobbled-together systems, as unwieldy and time-consuming as they are, always arise where there are no better solutions in place. I'll watch this from the sidelines and see how it develops.

Also, I think this would have gone better over at Community Projects, if it weren't for the fact it's a dead forum.
Jun 01, 2007 LeberMac link
There's a Community Projects forum?

Oh, and, as far as this idea, Mynt... too much work.

If you want an autopilot just ask the devs for one. Hacking together a system of binds is a great demonstration of your ability to make something do FAR FAR more than it was intended. Maybe next you can create a system of pulleys, gears, and inclined planes that will make toast in the morning?

Jun 01, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
But to continue the metaphor, if toasters weren't available I certainly would construct such a system of pulleys, gears, and inclined planes. Gotta' have toast in the morning no matter what it takes.

- Mynt
Jun 01, 2007 csgno1 link
Good luck Mynt, it looks like a lot of work.

I imagine that at some point you will need to consider holing data in a database for different ship weights etc.. Luckily it's do-able.

Even if you later abandon or radically change the project, the things you discover along the way will be useful. (I'm still looking for a way to launch from a station by a hot key or a /command...)

Jun 01, 2007 clay link
thers a trick for that harpo, on a completeley automated system you can simulate mouse movement, allowing you to click the undock button automatically. there might be a lua comand to undock, but i've never botherd to look for it.
Jun 01, 2007 vIsitor link
Testing the Auto-Pilot on the Deneb Run seems like a good 'trial by fire' to me.