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7th Weekly Corporate Sectors Run

Oct 31, 2005 moldyman link
Anouncing the Corporate Sectors Run! This is a more fast paced, shorter veersion of the Deneb Run through territory that the other race doesn't cover. It will occur every Friday at 9pm EDT. It begins in Helios D-14( I believe). It's the non serco station in Helios at any rate. Contestants start 3000m out and within 300m of me. Racers go through Ukari and then thruogh UIT space to Edras. Then the contestants go through grey space back to Helios D-14. First one docked in gets the prize (1 million credits), 2nd gets 500k and 3rd gets 250k. No shooting before the race begins, but during it's all good.

Also, an additional 500k goes to the first person who can break the current record. So 1st place can potentially get you 1.5 million credits!

Signup below!

(Pending CDC approval)

Record Times:

LeberMac - 16:14 (Grudgematch Race)
LeberMac - 17:57 (Race #4)
Screwball - 18:04 (Grudgematch Race)
fooz2916 - 18:05 (Race #4)

And I'm tempted to throw in Stranger's time of 0:00 =D

And can we PLEASE have at least three racers his time.
Oct 31, 2005 Person link
I think I can make it. So count me in anyway.


[EDIT] Are valks allowed?
Oct 31, 2005 stranger link
You know I'll be there. But I doubt I can beat my best time.
Oct 31, 2005 moldyman link
Valks are allowed in this race. However, if one pays close attention to the Deneb Run times, it appears that the Valk isn't the uber ship after all.
Oct 31, 2005 Screwball link
Regarding the grudge match between LeberMac and I, I calculated the following times:

LeberMac 16:14
Screwball 18:04

I don't have the logs any more, but I have a record of it in the same database I use to calculate race times for The Deneb Run. For those thinking that 16:14 is impossible, I can assure you it's not. I did an unofficial test run in 16:52 the night before the grudge match, and LeberMac has noticably better load times than I do. Also, I estimate that a perfect no detour, no storm run would take about 14:30, so there's still room for improvement.
Oct 31, 2005 moldyman link
Thanks, the times have been edited. Also, With daylight savings time over and other reasons, I'm gonna move the race to 11pm GMT Friday (6pm EST for us Americans).

Oct 31, 2005 vIsitor link
Its all in the infiniboost. The Warthog Territorial Defender holds the highest bøøst speed at 250 m/s at 60 drain, but people prefer the IDF valk because it has less than half the mass and going at 240 m/s for 5 less drain. The Mk2 Hornet, the Orion Convoy Gaurdian Hornet, and the Warthog Mk2 can all sustain the highest infiniboost in VO: 220. Between the Mk2's the Hog is slightly lighter (300kg) and has .2 more spin torque, but the Hornet has 2100 more units of armor. The Convoy Gaurdian is 100kg lighter than the Hog, has 10 N more thrust, AND 3600 more units of armor. Considering the Deneb and Corperate Sectors runs are primarily based on sped and endurace, rather than manuverability, I find it suprising that people did not catch on to the fact that the Hornet (specifically the Convoy Gaurdian) is Superior to all other long-range racing ships out there. =)

Nov 02, 2005 fooz2916 link
Seeing as the CDC is just about dead...We're looking for a new sponsor for the Corporate Sectors Run. I just don't make anywhere near enough money to support it. In fact my main source of income is winning these races.
Nov 03, 2005 moldyman link
Speakin of which, what happened to the guild's money? (All 18 mill or so of it). We could still use that for almost 9 more races.
Nov 03, 2005 moldyman link
Oh, and sponsorship for the Corporate Sectors Run is up for grabs unless CDC wants to continue (which I highly doubt at this point). Post here or contact me ingame if you are interestd. I can still do all the work, ie announce and stuff.
Nov 08, 2005 moldyman link
I am a moron, but what else is new. -.-; I forgot to save the logs and really can't remember what happened during the race. So I'll do everything but the writeup.

Teh Racers:

Niki - Topping 2,000pks, he's an SKV member and a repeat racer in the CSR
IDF Valkyrie with FC Batt and no weapons

Joyce Sanders-Trader extrodrinaire, Makchuga waitress and first time racer
Orion Hornet Convoy Guardian with an FC Batt and no weapons

So-Lotus - Former Viper member, now Syn member and first time racer (I believe)
Orion Hornet Convoy Guardian with an FC Batt and 4x Advanced Rails

"Oh man, Niki's gonna kill us all"
- Quote of the night

Teh Results:

Niki - 17:42
Joyce Sanders - 19:57
So-Lotus - 21:52

New Record Times:

LeberMac - 16:14 (Grudgematch Race)
Niki - 17:42 (NEW TIME)
LeberMac - 17:57 (Race #4)
Screwball - 18:04 (Grudgematch Race)
Nov 08, 2005 Beolach link
What OS do you run, moldyman? If you'd like, I can give you a script that will automatically save a copy of the log after you exit the game.
Nov 08, 2005 moldyman link
Okay, If anyone has the logs, I'd be much obliged, but Let me try to go from memory here.

After a few tense minutes of waiting, the racers took off at the signal. Niki entered Ukari first, followed by Joyce about five seconds later. So-Lotus brought up the rear a few seconds after that. This order would remain entering Arta but the gaps between the racers would slowly widen. So-Lotus, packing the "Alamar Special" would not only be slowed down by his weight but by his dialup connection, a no no in any race.

Niki's IDF Valk would be uncatchable during the night. But there were tense moments where it appeared that he plotted wrong. He had about a fifteen second lead on joyce entering Arta but left it with only about five to spare. This would happen again in Nyrius, but again the Valkyrie pulled away, 240 m/s being to fast for even the Hornet's 220 m/s infiniboost ability.

Niki would strectch his lead entering Pelatus, gaining a one and a half jump lead on Joyce who had entered Edras only moments before. So-Lotus was just entering Verasi at this point, citing the above reasons. Niki would stretch his lead to about two jumps as he entered Latos, leaving Joyce behind just about to leave Odia. Lotus was still in Bractus at this point, trying to make up for lost time.

Niki, zoomed towards Helios as Joyce left Ltus' almost 12 ton ship behind in the dust, gaining about a three jump lead on him. Niki pulled into the finish sector first, followed about two minutes later by Joyce Sanders and Lotus brought up the rear about two minutes after that.

Great race to all! This is definitely an improvement to Race #6 in which only one person showed up. REMEMBER, the race is now at 6pm EST (11pm GMT I believe) every Friday. One million credit first place prize, 600k second and 400k third,

Also, new rule, if we have less than 4 racers, one prizes is dropped (ie 3 racers only have 1st and 2nd prizes and 2 racers only 1st prize). So show up for your chance to win some free mullah!
Nov 08, 2005 moldyman link
Mac OSX Tiger