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TRackIR Support

Jan 30, 2012 outfctrl link
I think I posted this about a year and half ago, but it sure would be nice if this was implemented.
From what I understand, it isn't that hard to put it in, but then again, I am not a developer.

Do you think this will be in the game one day?

Here is a video from Jumpgate using it and this game came out in 2001
Jan 30, 2012 incarnate link
And we've been online since early 2002. It's not really how old a given game is, but rather how they allocate ongoing development resources.

The naturalpoint thing looks interesting, but no it isn't a huge priority for us right now. I would rather spend time on game development in the near term. If we get some free time to implement it, and some hardware for testing, we'll check it out.

But I'm not about to burn time on that at the expense of broader gameplay advancement in the near term.
Feb 01, 2012 outfctrl link
Thanks for the reply Incarnate, I understand.

I know it isn't a priority. Just hope one day it might get in. I use it all the time in other simulators and it really makes you feel like you are in the cockpit and it enhances your awareness of objects around you, especially when you are in combat.
Feb 01, 2012 Pizzasgood link
That would be awesome.