Forums » Suggestions

Jettison cargo from station inventory

Jul 12, 2011 Pizzasgood link
When purchasing large volumes of goods from another player, that player must repetedly load his moth, undock, jet, and dock. I like that the buyer must exit the station to obtain the goods, and am okay with him having to make multiple trips, but it seems silly for the seller to have to do this. Therefore I suggest that there be a method to jettison cargo from the station inventory and have it appear outside the station in a stack as though it had all been jetted from a single ship with a massive cargo hold. This way the buyer still has to go out and pick it up, so that it retains the element of danger - in fact, the danger of goods being stolen is greater if this method is used, so people selling really expensive stuff may well opt to continue using the current method, especially if the transfer is happening at a popular station.
Jul 12, 2011 pirren link
hmm.. sounds interesting, but I like the idea to kill the seller and steal his goods. ;)
Jul 12, 2011 Alloh link
This is absolutely stupid! Either leave as it is, or add a decent {Sell2Player} solution. I simply can't believe that someone inside a station cannot transfer goods to someone else inside same station!
And kicking the good to space makes no sense at all.
Jul 12, 2011 Breazle link
Agreed that is silly, if the devs are going to spend any time on it they might aswell just do a /give itemname quanttity as my suggestion says along with mission items from inventory
Jul 12, 2011 Pizzasgood link
/give item makes perfect RP sense if both players are within the same station, however I am absolutely opposed to it from a gameplay perspective. The risks that somebody will come along and steal the goods or that the buyer will just fly away with them without paying etc. are very good for the game's atmosphere, inspiring vendettas, etc. I was buying a bunch of goodies off somebody the other day and was vaguely nervous that the trader in a moth who was also in the sector might try to pull something. It was wonderful.

Pirren, this would still let you steal his goods, in fact you could steal them more easily - you wouldn't have to kill the seller first, just grab them before the buyer does. Since you wouldn't necessarily know where in the space around the station it will appear, the buyer can't just wait right next to the seller next to the dock to scoop it up and get inside very quickly. Also, the whole idea here is that instead making five trips out of the station to dump five stacks of 200 items, you can just dump all 1000 items at once. That means that the stack will be sitting there in space and the buyer will have to make multiple trips to get it all tucked away safely, so you can fly in and scoop up a load right after he does and then fly away. The way it works now, the seller drops a load and the buyer picks it up right away, so after he picks up each load, there are no remaining items floating around.

Though on the other hand, this would free up the seller to hop into a fighter, undock, and guard the stack while the buyer continues moving the goods into the station, so he's potentially trading one form of security for another.

If I were selling hundreds of queen processor cores to somebody, I think I would opt to use the normal method, but if I were only selling stolen ultra cells or something, I'd probably use the jet-from-station method.

This would also be useful if you wanted to distribute a lot of items to others, e.g. a player-operated convoy. Jet a thousand capship parts from the station all at once, and your five friends can each grab a load and you can all be on your way, rather than having to wait for you to make five trips out of the station and back first to get them all loaded up.
Jul 13, 2011 Breazle link
how about 8000 units of ore or 100 fused composite? hours of docking and undocking
Jul 13, 2011 Pizzasgood link
I didn't say it's a panacea. I'm not sure what a good solution for really huge trades would be that would still maintain the possibility of the goods being stolen. Maybe there should be an in-station bulk item transfer system that requires a large (500k+) processing fee per transfer paid to the station for the service, and a minimum total cu limit of 2000cu or so, so that it would only be used for really large inconvenient trades. The smaller trades would still happen outside.
Jul 13, 2011 Alloh link
an in-station bulk item transfer system

So, I can transfer 2000 crates but can't transfer 1 ? This is STUPID!
Jul 13, 2011 Pizzasgood link
There are companies in real life where you must make a minimum order. You can buy 20,000 units from them, but you cannot buy just one. This is similar. This is not some magic transfer, this is having the station personnel involve themselves in your business. They are busy people with more important things to worry about than some idiot who wants to give fourteen synthetic silksteel to his "girl"friend. If you want to waste their time with your problems, they'd better be significant problems. Otherwise, do it yourself.

Why can't you simply cart the goods over to their ship? I don't know. It's a GAME. Get over it. The point is to have fun. Having to make the smaller transfers outside where there is potentially danger is fun. I agree that having to transfer umpty-thousand cu with the current system is probably un-fun for most people, so I proposed a way to cover both bases.

The only way I'd support inside-station trading in general is if inside-the-station was an FPS so that I could potentially shoot you and your client and hijack your forklift.
Jul 16, 2011 ryan reign link
(person A, person B, items, cargo bay.) (person A, items, airlock) (person B, ship) (person A, done) (person B, collects items that were in front of him in the station from space)


This is hands down... the single most inelegant, ridiculous, illogical and utterly stupid "solution" to something that is only a problem because the current P2P trade system is so unrealistic that Pablo Escabar, in the deepest depths of a seven month coke binge while suffering from bouts of dementia while performing DYI brain surgery on himself would still have an incredibly difficult time suspending disbelief to the point where the current or even proposed system could even begin to be logical.

-1 to OP.

Unless... this "improvement" would extend to all NPCs ranging from... ranging from NPC traders to military personal. The reason it must be done this way is evaluation. As mankind grew reliant on running objects over to acquire.

As dependency on ships grew, mankind lost their thumbs and therefor the ability to grasp items or common sense.
This just in... if you are in fact what you eat, it is quite clear that you are a cannibal and have eaten PalidinofLanealot.
Jul 16, 2011 Pizzasgood link
If you will stop being trolls you will see that this idea is the only way to save VO. It is only your closed minded thinking that blinds you to this simple fact. :P

I will go purify myself with copious amounts of Maximum the Hormone and Abney Park before posting further suggestions.
Jul 16, 2011 HuntrCkr link
How about creating a PAID for in-station transfer system... the payment is a type of insurance fee... make it 10% of the value of the goods being transferred, or a minimum of say 100,000c

RP-wise, you are paying for a security service to guard the goods while they are being unloaded and loaded.

Perhaps, to keep things interesting, add a random event that some of the goods get "lost" in transit, like what happens in real life... Can't ever trust these ****ing cargo handlers!!!

Of course, this would all rely on a Trade between players function in stations.

+1 to OP BTW, but mostly for the mass distribution of items for convoys, etc... Think it's stupid for mass-trade
Jul 18, 2011 ryan reign link
Maybe the percentage of total value would be ok, though I'd say three to five percent and absolutely NO on the minimum fee. I can't see handing over one hundred thousand credits for a couple teen aged rookie mall cops to guard my aquean ore as I sell it.

Also, make it dependent on standing...

Eg... Itani 1000= 100% price drop, for Itani. However, Itani And Serco= 1000, canceled discount. So 100 points with enemies = 10% penalty per every hundred points

As for dumping it in space for convoys, even less logical...

TPG DOCK MASTER: OK, gents... clear the bay and initiate jettison protocols!

TPG CONVOY CAPTAIN: Does it ever seem odd to you that we jettison trillions of credits worth of gear into space rather than loading in the bay?

TPG CONVOY GUARD: Hey now, those pirates outside have families to feed...not to mention combat is dangerous!sometimes people get hurt or even killed! Do you want to be the guy who has fly to Odia and tell the poor pirates recently orphaned children "Daddies not coming home, ever again." Or how about the cargo handlers? you want them all to lose their jorbs? To sit helpless as their children die of starvation?with all due respect to your rank sir, you are the most cold hearted psychopath I have ever met. YOU MAKE ME SICK!
Jul 18, 2011 ryan reign link
Maybe the percentage of total value would be ok, though I'd say three to five percent and absolutely NO on the minimum fee. I can't see handing over one hundred thousand credits for a couple teen aged rookie mall cops to guard my aquean ore as I sell it.

Also, make it dependant on standing...

Eg... Itani 1000= 100% price drop, for Itani. However, Itani And Serco= 1000, canceled discount. So 100 points with enemies = 10% penalty per every hundred points

As for dumping it in space for convoys, even less logical...

TPG DOCK MASTER: OK, gents... clear the bay and initiate jettison protocals!
TPG CONVOY CAPTAIN: Does it ever seem odd to you that we jettison trillions of credits worth of gear into space rather than loading in the bay?

TPG CONVOY GUARD: Hey now, those pirates outside have families to feed...not tomentioncombat is dangerous!sometimes people get hurt or even killed! Do you want to be the guy who has fly toOdia and tell the poor pirates recently orphaned children "Daddies not coming home, ever again." Or how about the cargo handlers? you want them all to lose their jorbs? To sit helpless as their children die of starvation?with all due respect to your rank sir, you are the most cold hearted psychopath I have ever met. YOU MAKE ME SICK!
Jul 18, 2011 Alloh link
@RR: One is enough, plz delete repeated post.

I'd like to see some cargo transfers in-station. It can be charged, for me it should tax 1...5% worth of cargo depending on standing, simple rule (PoS: 1%, ..., dislike: 5%). It is a simple order:

--Load these X crates from my stocks into my ship >>
*>Load these X crates from my stocks into someone else's ship.

Better would be an "Sell2Player" UI, both docked in same station, seller sets the price for transaction, that appears in similar tab of purchaser, who accept, pay and receive goods in cargo bay directly.

RP-wise, no cargo have to be moved on sale transaction, only "station computers" will change ownership of tagged crate to new owner:
Crate X87654321a , owner Pilot.P1 > sell > Crate X87654321a , owner Pilot.P2

Note that the 'sell' action does not require any crate to be moved, so it makes no sense that cargo can be stolen in process... If so, your storage in corvus stations would see a constant reduction as things are stolen...

Lets fix the phrase: "Nowhere is safe in VO" to "Only inside stations is safe in VO. "! It is already like this, just get used to it.

And to those complaining they can't steal /pirate this transaction, remember the purchaser will have to move his new goods away...
Jul 18, 2011 Pizzasgood link
"Only inside stations is safe in VO."

For now. Inc has stated that he wants to add an FPS element to capship conquering. If he does that, it wouldn't be a huge stretch to extend that to inside a station. >:]