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space hobos

Jun 24, 2006 mr bean link
what if there were npc space hobos that ask for money and fly beat up old buses?
Jun 24, 2006 Blacklight link
Heh, reminds me of running over hobos in GTA 3 to get some molotovs
Jun 24, 2006 ananzi link
mr bean

i think this is one of the best ideas on 'suggestions' in a long time.

it could also be linked to the economy and possibly to various industrial accidents (brain damaging, birth defect inducing chemicals, etc)
Jun 24, 2006 Phaserlight link
heh... good suggestion
Jun 24, 2006 LeberMac link
Mr. Bean... YOU sir... are a visionary!
Yeah they can cluster around heated-up roids, beg for credits, mark the friendly stations with their Hobo-Glyphs, they'd "ride the rails" by hitching rides on passing tridents, etc.
Jun 24, 2006 moldyman link
Jun 25, 2006 ArAsH link
you mean like [syn]n00b? :D
Jun 25, 2006 drdoak007 link
this is friggin' brilliant! A+
i cant think of anything else to say. this is good!
Jun 26, 2006 BoxCarRacer link
I like it.
Jun 26, 2006 who? me? link
omg we dont need NPC's for this! im insulted
Jun 26, 2006 Wiggoggs link
*stamps* [APPROVED]
Jun 27, 2006 terribleCabbage link
There might be an advantage to being Serco after all.

-- Hobo Policy, by Nation --
Itani (carebear): Set up shelters. Noone may harm them.
UIT: Don't care what happens to them; a man is responsible for his own life.
Serco: Wipe them out. All of them.

Maybe we could have a Capture The Hobo competition. Or an ongoing series of missions available to Serco where you'd have to keep the Hobo menace out of Nation space.

Failing that, just have a hobo that, if he spots you, will follow you a la the Strike Forces until you pay him, or kick his arse.
Jun 27, 2006 Gnypatul link
Finally a chance for frustrated players to shoot something up without too much trouble. Also make them drop really crappy and worthless items when they blow up, and then watch the other hobo's fight over them.

Maybe lots of hobo's with something like a worn-out trickle charge battery, and really pathetically underpowered guns, will help put the real fighters in perspective, and make newbies proud of their busses :)
Jun 27, 2006 mgl_mouser link
But... but... I thought CLM...


So, in essence, you want easier targets than Collector bots?
Jun 27, 2006 Gnypatul link
"So, in essence, you want easier targets than Collector bots?"

Well... not really.
The great thing about something like the hobo's would be that they would bring some political controversy in an entertaining way that would be harmless to the existing military and economical structure of the game.

They could be tons of fun and may be used in missions for whatever purpose. They could help make the VO world come alive in a somewhat more human way then just trade/combat NPC's.

Alongside all that, your point is correct!
For some characters (like me) it would feel more satisfying to blow a hobo out of the water than one of those zombie collector drones, even if it poses no threat at all ;)
Jun 27, 2006 LostCommander link
Fine, fine... and while we're at it how about having a 1-2% chance every time a small ship is destroyed that it is instead salvaged by a hobo and respawned as an NPC hobo at the nearest station with a free battery, a gov cannon, and 5% hit points? If the hobo sucessfully begs credits off people, he can repair his ship some. If he ever fully repairs his ship, he will become a normal NPC and take missions etc.

This could be our path to having real NPCs people! ... <.< _ >.>

/sarcasm end
Jun 27, 2006 mgl_mouser link
Yeah I can see next Saturday's big event: hobo fight in some remote clandestine arena.

Chuck Hobo vs Hobo Segal type of cheesiness.

On the other hand, perhaps Gov busses should only be available to issuing faction's respected people. If you're not respected by whatever faction, then all you could get would be the hobo ships!

And regardless of faction, shooting down a hobo ship (NPC or not) could be reason for strike force to jump in on you.

To avoid abuse, hobo ships shouldn't have weapons.

Being in a hobo ship shouldn't grant you protected from your enemies' Aka, a Serco-hated Itani in a hobo ship will get him blasted by the Serco SF or transports, just the same.

And, regardless of ship health, a hobo ship should always fume and spark! Eh! Them damn crapmobiles.
Jun 27, 2006 Will Roberts link

"What's that enormous square thing? A borg ship? No, wait, it's a giant...."

"...cardboard box?!?!"

"RUN!! It's the Hobo Mothership!!"
Jun 27, 2006 mgl_mouser link
Yeah. it oozes hive queens!
Jun 29, 2006 LeberMac link
LOL the giant cardboard box/cube, the home of the feared Hobo race, it can have a big "AMANA" logo on the side, and strew a trail of garbage wherever it goes.